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Is the Snow Natural, or the Result of a Geo-Engineered or HARRP Attack?

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Feb. 1, 2014

The surprise storm that has largely crippled the southeastern US has generated a buzz online as people post videos of the snow’s weird characteristics.

People all across the country have recently began posting videos, and photo’s, of snow that will not melt. Some people are even reporting that the snow has a strange odor, like chemicals. Is the snow natural, or the result of a Geo-Engineered or HARRP attack?

There are some videos going around that claim to show that recent snowfalls are somehow “fake”, because when people try to melt the snow with a lighter or blowtorch, they are surprised by the results.

There is no doubt in many minds, that there is some sort of geo-engineering going on across the Nation, and around the world.

What we do not know, is the specifics behind it, and what the purpose is.