Man-Caused Weather Interference: Crime Against Nature And Humanity?
Comment by Rocky Montana
August 26, 2015
In response to John Coleman's article: 'What Is Wrong With California's Weather?' [1]:
"The Elite of your planet know that these catastrophes are coming. They are trying to control the timing of major earthquakes. They do not understand that which they are attempting to do and are only compounding the problem. These major Earth changes shall be exploited by your planet's controllers in order to depopulate and control more fully the masses." --Archangel Michael [2]
The satellite images below [3] show weather patterns mainly over the Pacific west coast and California, as well as Oregon and Washington. While these images are not absolutely conclusive of John Coleman's thesis [1], they may be indicative of some type of artificial interference present in the weather patterns over the Pacific west coast and the state of California. They do show an unnatural diverting of cloud cover away from the California mainland. The skies do not show definitive streaks nor criss-crosses as are associated with newly formed chemtrails. While some chemtrail residue may be responsible for some of the wispy and feathery cloud patterns seen in some images, they also may be high altitude cirrus clouds. I disagree with Geoengineering Watch website's conclusions that the strange weather patterns and four-year plus drought in California are caused by aerosol spraying. Instead, it appears more logical that the aerosol spraying that have been conducted over the years may be in response to the man-caused weather control, possibly conducted by the Russian Federation's ELF radiation weapons, as Dr. Coleman suggests. Of course, the U.S.-U.N. controlled HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) cannot be ruled out.
Regardless of whether the four-year plus drought in California has been and is being caused by Russian ELF radiation weapons or by the U.S.-U.N. HAARP array, or both, one reason for this weather control program over California appears to be to postpone a major slippage of the crustal tectonic plates along the San Andreas fault, now considered overdue by many geologists worldwide. The San Andreas fault is the crustal boundary between the Pacific and North America tectonic plates that occurs in California. The Pacific tectonic plate is moving in a northwesterly direction and the North American plate is moving in a southeasterly direction. The fault begins in northern California, running along the Pacific coast until it reaches San Francisco, where it begins its journey on the mainland which ends at the Salton Sea in southern California. It makes a dog-leg above Los Angeles to Palm Springs before reaching the Salton Sea. The combination of this dog-leg and the lack of rain is believed by some to be the cause of the delay in slippage of the San Andreas fault, thus artificially and dangerously postponing "The Big One". The man-caused deprivation of rain-fall in California has interrupted the natural Earth cycle and is devastating to the state's flora, fauna, and human populations, as well as hindering food production in the San Joaquin valley and other areas, which has historically provided some 13% of the United States' agricultural production. In addition, it is causing higher water prices for some 38 million Californians. With so much damage and destruction to nature and man, I believe that this willful, man-caused interference with the natural weather cycle, the suffering and destruction to the natural environment, and the holding of 38 million plus humans hostage IS A CRIME AGAINST NATURE AND HUMANITY! It should be curtailed immediately, but not all at one time. As an imbalance of massive potential energy has been created in the Earth's crust, that imbalance should be phased out gradually so as to give Mother Earth time to release this energy naturally and gradually and cause a minimum of destruction to the land and all creatures living on the land.
Note to the President Putin and/or U.N. controllers: California needs rain fall to survive. Please start powering down your weather disrupters now. The ground can sustain a continuous 2-3 day rain fall before saturation point and subsequent flooding and mud slides occur. Two or three rains per month should not adversely affect the San Andreas fault or the land, and would begin to restore the imbalance caused by four plus years of man-caused drought. On behalf of Mother Earth, 38 million plus human beings and all plant and animal life in California, I ask that you act in wisdom and grant this sincere request. Thank you.
June 2015
4 March 2015
August 2012
July 2012
June 2014
November 2014
[1] Article: 'What Is Wrong With California's Weather?' by Dr, John Coleman. THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, March 31, 1992, Volume 18, Number 11, Pages 16-17.
[2] Article: Archangel Michael's Cautions About Upcoming Earth Changes CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, July 9, 1996, Volume 13, Number 9, Page 21.
[3] Satellite images above from: Geoengineering Watch www.geoengineeringwatch.org .