Global warming and climate change, as put forward by Obama and his criminal cabal is an absolute LIE, a HOAX and a FRAUD of epic proportions! Note the REAL Science data stated below.
Many 'real scientists' have come fourth these past few years and declared it the biggest fraud yet of the 21st Century. Global Warming is an instrument to scare Nations and their peoples into spending billions of dollars on climate and pollution controls that are completely unnecessary - raising taxes, controlling the vehicles we drive and the food that is grown the end result of all of this that it costs people an enormous amount of money that is going into the pockets of people like Maurice Strong (member of the Bilderbergers, financier of the NWO, who is behind the phony global warning scam and the 'Go Green' farce. 'Go Green' is about bringing in more environmental controls, the take over of resources such as the world's water supply and stealing even more money in taxes and expensive so-called 'green products' as well as creating a 'One World Bank and Currency', doing away with all others. He was exposed as being behind the UN food scandal in 2005 and fled Canada to Singapore before being prosecuted. He is a strong proponent of the 'One World Government'), Obama, his controllers, the UN, CFR, the Bilderbergers, you get the picture. It is also being used in the effort to bring about the One World Government and total control of people by allowing mega-corporations to take over everything. The UN reports released over the course of the past several years were 'doctored', some completely faked making Global Warming out to be much worse than it actually is. For the past 8 years the temperatures have been going DOWN, not up! This Lie is being perpetrated for several reasons;
(1) A complete take over of all energy resources by Government or as George Will has stated; "global warming is just another way for liberals/tyrants to get what liberals/tyrants want: more government power. Global warming is socialism by the back door," Will told The Daily Caller. "I mean, the whole point of global warming is it is a rationalization for progressives to do what progressives want to do, which is concentrate more power in Washington, more and more Washington power in the executive branch, more and more executive branch power in independent czars and agencies, to micro manage the lives of the American people." The reason, he explains, that global warming is such a good tool for liberals to give the government so much power is that "everything becomes involved in the exigencies of 'rescuing the planet'." The common excuse heard often today. By the way, the planet does NOT need rescuing. Global warming is essentially a religion. "It's a series of propositions that can be difficult to refute," Will explained. "It's very ironic that the global warming alarmists say that 'we're the real defenders of science' when there is NO science! The REAL science points to the opposite, global cooling. Will stated it's no different than the apparent threat of "global cooling" in the 1970s. "You say to them, 'What happened to global cooling?'" and they say their "models were wrong." The proposals recently unveiled by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency represents one of the boldest steps the U.S. has taken to fight global warming, which doesn't even exist and will cost the American citizen billions of dollars and dramatically stifle industry, as they were meant to do.
(2) The other reason for this utter lie, fraud and hoax is obvious; make energy very expensive, up to 300% more expensive and and then release it to only 'the elect few'. That's not you or I. The 2003 report, “An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security,” is credited with kick-starting the entire movement that, to this day and perhaps with more vigor than ever, links climate change & global warming to national security. Written by Doug Randall as a worst-case scenario, he's been surprised and dismayed by it's usage. As he states today, "I was paid by environmental zealots within the government—who have no interest in reality, but only in portraying false scenarios that will lead to a desired outcome—and I gave them what they wanted. It was an exercise in political propaganda, and a quick check of my bank account, and the incredible amount of burned taxpayer money, says I was very successful. I did not intend to paint an accurate scenario about "Global Warming" (which is what it was called at the time), and a re-reading of my report shows very clearly I "succeeded" there, too. I mean consultants told the military that, by now, California would be flooded by inland seas, The Hague would be unlivable, polar ice would be mostly gone in summer, and global temperatures would rise at an accelerated rate as high as 0.5 degrees a year.
“[Laughing] Isn't that a hoot?!? I mean, none of these has even come close to happening, but those predictions sure led to a lot of bad outcomes for spending and national security." In other words, these criminals and thugs were looking for an excuse, any excuse to control our energy resources and usher in the One World Government. They've fallen on this lie and hoax as a means by which to do so.
Here is the REAL science behind so-called Global Warming and Climate Change;
(1) The world mean temperature has continually gone down slightly since 1995, stabilizing in 1998. Satellite data shows any temperature changes since 2001 as being "insignificant". 2014 was .02 degrees warmer than any (NASA) previously recorded year, the margin of error being .01 degrees meaning of course that 2014 was .01 degrees warmer than any previous year.
(2) 90% of the worlds ice pack is in the antarctic. In 2013 the ice pack INCREASED by 1/3, by 2014 it had increased to it's HIGHEST recorded level.
(3) Forest fires have gone down 15% since 1950; droughts have remained the same for the past 60 years. Hurricanes and tornadoes have reduced dramatically in length and intensity over the course of the past 20 years.
(4) It is both physically and biologically impossible for mankind to affect the kind of horrific results on our environment the global warming & climate change frauds charge us with. We simply are NOT capable of causing the kind of damage put fourth by these phony scientists. However when you own the mainstream media, the cowardly despicable pawns in the Weather stations such as NOAA, the Weather channel (two of the biggest liars and puppets the world has yet seen) it is easy to perpetrate constant lies. (A) The only real climate change has been affected by the US Government and the Russian Government using HAARP, GWEN and the constant spraying of Chemtrails. The data and photos of these technologies are everywhere on the Internet. The idiot so-called physicists/scientists have altered the jet stream, and thus the weather by offsetting the North and South poles by .04 degrees. Yes, the weather has been changed/altered and it was the goons in the Federal Government who affected these changes!
Beginning with the 'Global Warming Conference' scheduled for November, 2015 Global Warming will be used as a hype to produce fear and give the UN more global control. The 'findings' that come from this so-called farce of a conference will be used to (a) limit access to transportation and fuel (b) influence what foods will be available (c) it will dictate family planning and birth control telling people if they can or cannot have children (d) it will also dictate 'global' business practices to all Businesses and finally it will dictate Governmental policies to all State and Local Governments. This is a movement to centralize control over the whole world; control from 'cradle to the grave'. The One World Government, via the UN will imprison and execute anyone who speaks out against it, or acts against it, ESPECIALLY Christians! This is their planned enslavement, Global Warming and Climate Change is merely the EXCUSE, the method they are using to implement absolute control over the worlds population. Then they will begin to rapidly reduce that population by murdering billions. Ultimately their goal is a world population of 500,000 - enough slaves to keep up their lifestyles. They refer to us as 'The Useless Eaters' (George Bush Sr.'s favorite), 'Chattel', the Hebrew word for cattle. I've got news for them, we'll very soon find out who the real 'useless eaters' are........
Global Warming and Climate Change is a LIE, a HOAX and a SCAM of epic proportions so get involved now and stop it, or loose everything you have - YOUR Freedom, YOUR Life. It's (past) time to pick up our GUNS and clean house......completely. It's time for WAR