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Call by global bishops for 'complete decarbonization' of the planet is a thinly veiled push for massive human genocide and depopulation

J.D. Heyes

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Nov. 16, 2015

(NaturalNews) Some people have characterized the belief that Man's industrial activity is causing global warming as being no different than having faith in a traditional religion. In fact, some have often lumped the global warming faithful in with people who believe in cults and cult figures because contrary to what Barack Obama, Al Gore and the United Nations say about the matter, climate "science" is far from "settled."

Now, however, the global warming faithful are getting some assistance from high-ranking members of an actual religion: the Catholic Church, whose central figure, Pope Francis, has himself issued a "call to action" to reverse "climate change."

He's not alone. In fact, Agence France-Presse reports that Catholic bishops from around the world have issued a radical appeal for the "complete decarbonization" of the global economy ahead of climate talks scheduled to take place in Paris soon as well as more economic assistance for poor countries that are supposedly battling effects of global climate change.


There will be no aid for "poor countries" if their economies are destroyed

AFP further reported:

The bishops said any agreement "should limit global temperature increases to avoid catastrophic climatic impacts, especially on the most vulnerable communities."

From across five continents they called "not only for 'drastic reduction in the emission of carbon dioxide and other toxic gasses', but also for ending the fossil fuel era."

The goal should be "complete decarbonisation by mid-century, in order to protect frontline communities suffering from the impacts of climate change, such as those in the Pacific Islands and in coastal regions."

The Paris climate conference taking place from November 30 to December 11 is likely to be well attended by the political elite from around the world. As is the case with many global warming conferences, most of the attendees will burn massive quantities of carbon-based fuel just to get there. They will then require massive amounts of carbon-based fuel in order stay comfortable, have their food prepared, and get to and from conference facilities. This hypocrisy will be lost on each and every one of them, up to and including the Grand Poobah of the global warming hoax, President Barack Obama.

AFP further noted that the Paris climate confab is the result of failed efforts six years ago in Copenhagen, Denmark, to reach "significant" climate agreements, all of which would require mature and developing economies to essentially plunge themselves back into the Stone Age.

As for the Catholic bishops, they are urging all who are taking part in the conference to "keep in mind not only the technical but particularly the ethical and moral dimensions of climate change" as listed in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

"Those responsible for climate change have responsibilities to assist the most vulnerable in adapting and managing loss and damage and to share the necessary technology and knowhow," they said in a statement in another reference to economic aid.

AFP noted that among ten key points that climate negotiators have been asked to address was the need "to ensure people's access to water and to land for climate resilient and sustainable food systems." This is a fear-mongering reference to a future without enough resources.

Is perpetuating a hoax morally acceptable?

Regarding the economic aid, it is important to point out that it won't be possible for wealthy countries to provide economic assistance to poor countries if the wealthy countries essentially destroy their economies, which is what "complete decarbonization" would do. After all, a non-carbon-based alternative that is as plentiful and inexpensive as carbon-based fuel does not currently exist and won't for decades, according to experts.

As for the leaders of the Catholic Church to be pushing "action" on "global warming" and "climate change" as a "moral" issue, they should have to answer how destroying economies and plunging billions of people into abject poverty is "moral" and "ethical."

No offense to the Church, but maybe its leaders ought to stick to spreading and teaching dogma and leave economics to the experts. As for playing the "morality" card, it's not up to the leader of the Catholic faith to define moral parameters for an entire planet.

On that final note, just how "moral" is it to perpetuate a hoax in the first place?

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