Climate Change HOAX exposed by Geologist straight to the UK Govt
From Rocky Montana
Comments by RM
The Global Elite ecology-economic terrorists are at it again, this time in Paris, France, in order to try to fool and coerce the world population that CO2 emissions IS THE NUMBER ONE PROBLEM ON EARTH, that Man is responsible for climate change, and that by reducing carbon emissions and paying carbon taxes will, somehow, stop climate change. Their religious science is so outrageous, even a child with a 4th grade education knows this is not true, knowing that CO2 is food for the plant kingdom.
Don't be fooled, the Conferences on Climate Change are a ruse to rob-steal-pillage the wealth of the world's population--in order to enrich them--the Global Elite, not for the benefit of the environment. Know that down through history, the Khazars have been the very best at exacting tribute from their subjects and this continues to this very day.
The Australian geologist in the above video blows the lid off the Global Elite's ruse and explains that their CO2 taxes will not only NOT WORK, but are a colossal waste of time and money. The sun and the earth are in charge of the earth's ongoing climate changes, a necessary part of the earth's health maintenance.
By the way, the Paris Conference on Climate Change has produced 300 million tons of carbon dioxide, something the Global Elite hypocrites don't want the world to know.