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January 2016 Was the Most Abnormally Warm Month Ever Recorded, NASA Says

Jon Erdman,

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Jan. 17, 2016

January 2016 was not only Earth's warmest January on record, but also featured the largest warm departure from average for any month, according to two separate analyses released this week.

The first month of 2016 started with a global temperature departure of 1.13 degrees Celsius above the 1951-1980 average, according to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies

January 2016 temperature departures from average, in degrees Celsius, relative to 1951-1980 average. Brown/blue contours correspond to temperatures most above/below January averages. (NASA/GISS)

January global temperature departures from 1981-2010 average (degrees Celsius) from 1891 through 2016 shown as gray lines and dots. Five-year running mean is shown in blue. Long-term trend is shown in red. (Japan Meteorological Agency)

That may not sound impressive, but ingesting temperature data over the entire surface of the Earth, NASA's analysis found this was the largest monthly warm temperature anomaly in their database dating to 1880, topping a record set the previous month.

A separate analysis from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting also found January 2016 set a new record-warm anomaly for the globe, 0.72 degrees Celsius above the 1981-2010 average. That reanalysis, however, dates only to 1979.