CLIMATE CHANGE IS THE NEW REEFER MADNESS: Hollywood sci-fi filmmakers tapped to dramatize fictional climate change to scare everybody into voting for climate totalitarians
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) I'm almost rolling with laughter watching all this unfold: Because democrats refuse to face the real threats facing America -- Islamic terrorism, debt spending, illegal immigration and job-crushing federal mandates like Obamacare -- they have to invent their own fake emergencies to try to win the votes of people who don't have any clue about the real world.
So-called "climate change" -- previously known as "global warming" but renamed after the data revealed no warming trend at all -- is entirely rooted in false mythologies, official narratives and creative storytelling. That's precisely why democrats had to hire James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sigourney Weaver to present a climate change scary in a new short film. These are the very same people whose films depict time-traveling Terminator robots, interplanetary aliens with green acid blood, and poltergeists that could be captured with vacuum cleaners (the original "Ghostbusters" movie... the one that didn't suck).
If you believe in time-traveling robots from the future, you might also believe in the climate change narrative, too. That narrative is based entirely on ridiculous, absurd, make-believe notions such as:
• The hilariously ignorant idea that polar bears can't swim (or even that their numbers are plummeting). In truth, polar bears are champion swimmers, and their population numbers are on the rise.
• The scientifically illiterate notion that carbon dioxide is bad for the planet. In reality, it's the No. 1 nutrient source of all forests, food crops, herbal plants and green zones across the planet. CO2 reforests deserts and amplifies food production. It's also impossible for humans alone to raise CO2 levels much at all for the simple reason that plants are starving for it and keep consuming it as fast as we can make it. (This is Botany Science 101.)
• The laughably anti-science narrative that says oceans are going to rise so quickly, they'll drown out coastal cities and devastate human civilization. In reality, even during warming periods of Earth's history, oceans barely creep up at the pace of only about 1-2mm per year. That's about 1-2 DECADES for a single inch of ocean level rise. (Yep, not exactly the tidal wave apocalypse depicted in climate change scare films, is it?)
There is no man made climate change
You have hopefully realized by now that everything the democrats invoke in their political campaigning is based on lies. Man made climate change is a cult science myth rooted in a convenient political narrative, not scientific facts.
That's why their climate change scare film had to be made: to stir up the imagination of climate change and make it seem visually real even though it is scientifically false. It sort of reminds me of the original "Reefer Madness" film which was also created as a propaganda political film to scare people away from medical marijuana. That film was also based on quack science hysteria, just like the climate change films being made today.
Yep, you heard me right: There is no legitimate scientific evidence whatsoever to support their climate change narrative. The data that have been presented to the public are all "corrected" (i.e. fraudulent altered) to artificially insert new "data points" that fit the political narrative we're all being spoon fed by the corrupt democrats. Remember: The climate changing pushing politicians are all exactly the same people who lie to us all about vaccines, GMOs, fluoride, government debt and antidepressant drugs. Why on Earth would anyone believe they are magically and selectively telling the truth only about climate change when we all know they are constantly lying about everything else?
The pro climate change position is truly just climate superstition masquerading as science. It should be obvious at this point, but everything the democratic establishment insists is TRUE is almost certainly FALSE. Read this excellent article entitled Climate Superstition Is Weaponizing The Ignorant. It states, "Climate alarmists are no different from 16th century Europeans who burned 15,000 witches for 'cooking the weather.' They observe ordinary events, and convince themselves that it is unprecedented and somebody's fault."
From this 2014 Natural News article:
Planetary temperatures have remained largely stable throughout the past several decades, according to new data released by the Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) satellite. Mean temperatures gauged across multiple measurement platforms including GISS, HadCRUt4, NCDC, UAH and RSS definitively show that the planet has not been warming for nearly 18 years, taking the wind out of the sails of the global warming fallacy.
And from another Natural News article:
The US government's Global Historical Climate Network reversed the results of temperature recordings to suggest that the temperature was rising through 60 years of research. These recordings were amplified by two official surface records. The Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the National Climate Data Center amplified surface records to estimate temperatures across entire regions of the Earth where temperatures aren't even recorded. By falsifying records and then amplifying the data, these large data centers misrepresented temperatures records across an entire region of the earth.
And finally, from Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions:
Now, in what might be the largest scientific fraud ever uncovered, NASA and the NOAA have been caught red-handed altering historical temperature data to produce a "climate change narrative" that defies reality. We now know that historical temperature data for the continental United States were deliberately altered by NASA and NOAA scientists in a politically-motivated attempt to rewrite history and claim global warming is causing U.S. temperatures to trend upward. The data actually show that we are in a cooling trend, not a warming trend (see charts below).
This story is starting to break worldwide right now across the media, with The Telegraph now reporting, "NOAA's US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been 'adjusting' its record by replacing real temperatures with data 'fabricated' by computer models."
Because the actual historical temperature record doesn't fit the frenzied, doomsday narrative of global warming being fronted today on the political stage, the data were simply altered using "computer models" and then published as fact.
Here's the actual scientific temperature data BEFORE the data were altered:
And here's the "official narrative" version of the data AFTER they were altered for political reasons:
And here is the EPA's own chart depicting heat waves throughout U.S. history. Notice that the heat waves were far, far worse in the 1930's than they are today?
How to counter the climate change narrative with actual logic and real data
From (go there to see all the graphs and charts that accompany this text):
1) There is no 97% consensus of scientists. In a 2013 survey of the professional members of the American Meteorological Society, only 52% believed that global warming was primarily man-made – much less dangerous. No group in the survey came anywhere close to reaching 97%.
2) Heatwaves are not getting worse. According to the EPA, the worst heatwaves in the US (by far) occurred during the 1930's – when the Midwest commonly saw temperatures over 110 degrees, and as high as 120 degrees.
3) Droughts are not getting worse. According to NOAA, the US has been getting steadily wetter over the past century. In the 1930's, drought covered 80% of the US, as poignantly described by John Steinbeck in "The Grapes of Wrath."
4) Scientists say that California has had much more severe droughts in the past, lasting as long as 200 years. The past 100 years was the wettest century on record in California.
5) Hurricanes are not getting worse. The US is experiencing a record quiet period for hurricanes.
6) According to the Danish Meteorological Institute, the Arctic Ocean is full of thick ice. There is more ice on the Russian side than there has been in years, and a group of global warming sailors are currently blocked by impenetrable ice in the Northeast Passage.
7) Polar Bear populations are not decreasing. (They are steadily rising, year after year.)
8) Sea level has been rising for 20,000 years, since the end of the last ice age. Most of that time much faster than now. It has nothing to do with humans.
9) According to NOAA, sea level is only rising 1.7 to 1.8 mm/year. At that rate, it will take thousands of years for Manhattan to drown.
10) According to NOAA, sea level at Manhattan has been rising at about the same rate (2.8 mm/year) since the 1850's. There is no indication that humans are affecting the rate of sea level rise.
11) Glaciers have been melting for a very long time. In 1879, John Muir (founder of the Sierra Club) found that Alaska's largest glacier had retreated 48 miles since 1794. Twenty thousand years ago, Chicago was buried under a mile of glacial ice.
12) Forest fires are not getting worse over the long term. According to USDA, the US had five times as much burn acreage in the 1930's as we do now. The New York Times confirmed this.
13) Climate models have failed, and greatly over-predict warming.
14) Our most accurate systems for measuring global temperature, satellites, show that this year is no warmer than 1998.
15) NASA shows that global surface temperatures have fallen 0.54 degrees C over the last four months. The largest drop on record in such a short time.
Sites to visit where you can get educated about climate change: