While the world debates global warming, solar physicist warns of coming Ice Age
Amyh Goodrich
(NaturalNews) While a significant number of people and world leaders are concerned about global warming, a renowned solar physicist has come up with a theory that is entirely contradictory.
Professor Valentina Zharkova, a solar physicist at the UK's Northumbria University, claims that the earth is in fact not warming up, but cooling down. She has been conducting extensive research on sunspots – ominously cooler regions of the sun's surface characterized by intense magnetic activity – pivotal in influencing climate patterns. According to some researchers, the current increase in global temperatures is a result of increased sunspot activity rather than the emission of greenhouse gasses.
Earth is facing the prospect of a 'mini ice age'
According to Professor Zharkova, sunspot activity is likely to fall – similarly to what took place during the Maunder Minimum or "The Little Ice Age." This will culminate in drastic drops in temperature and more winter-like conditions. Zharkova observed that solar activity had a significant influence on past climate trends.
During the "Little Ice Age" that lasted close to two centuries, sunspot activity was low, and temperatures plunged throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Winters were more pronounced, and the summers were unconvincing at best.
"We will see it from 2020 to 2053, when the three next cycles will be vert reduced magnetic field of the sun. Basically what happens is these two waves, they separate into the opposite hemispheres and they will not be interacting with each other, which means that resulting magnetic field will drop dramatically nearly to zero. And this will be a similar conditions like in Maunder Minimum," she said. [Sic]
These claims have earned Professor Zharkova a fair share of backers and detractors alike. Scientists who have staked their reputations on global warming and the greenhouse effect as the key players in climate change, have been openly hostile to Zharkova and her theory, downplaying or ignoring all of her research and findings.
While the alarmists have actively tried to silence Zharkova, the Royal Astronomical Society has pushed for the two camps to settle it by encouraging communication.
Winter is coming
Zharkova has a fair share of high-profile supporters. The most reputable of these include Australia's David Evans, Meteorologist Paul Dorian of Vencore Weather, and perhaps most surprisingly, scientists of the Potsdam Institute, who have been known to lean towards the global warming ideology.
Dorian has predicted a solar minimum during which the planet will experience the weakest solar cycle in over one hundred years. Doctor Evans, known for the Notch-Delay solar theory, has so much belief in the cooling theory that he is willing to put his money where his mouth is by helping raise money for a hedge fund.
News has emerged following some research aided by NASA and confirmed by USGS satellite imagery, that Antarctica may be growing in size and mass, which has been supported by cooling patterns over the past two decades. This may indicate that the earth is cooling, and further supports the findings of Zharkova.
Perhaps the world should come around to the idea that we had better all start preparing ourselves for a very long winter.
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