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“Global dimming” scheme unveiled: Scientists want to chemtrail the atmosphere with SMOG in the name of “saving the planet”

Ethan Huff

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Image: “Global dimming” scheme unveiled: Scientists want to chemtrail the atmosphere with SMOG in the name of “saving the planet”

Many of us here at Natural News never thought this day would come: The day when the mainstream media finally decided to tell the truth about the existence of “chemtrails,” But while it’s now open knowledge that chemtrails are real, the public still isn’t being told the truth about their actual purpose.

Intentionally blocking out the sun with chemical aerosols, we’re now being told, could be a critical tool for stopping global warming (or climate change, or whatever they’re calling this hysterical conspiracy theory these days). Except there’s just one problem: people, animal, and plants need the sun, which anyone who took elementary school science well knows.

Part of how plants grow and thrive is through photosynthesis, one of the primary components of which is unobstructed natural sunlight. Humans also require natural exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, which trigger the production of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the pro-hormone more popularly known as vitamin D, in people’s bodies.

Believe it or not, researchers from two of the most esteemed universities in the world, Harvard University and Yale University, don’t seem to understand any of this. That, or they willfully refuse to acknowledge these realities, in turn promoting the globalist effort to massively reduce the world’s population by depriving people of natural sunlight.

As revealed by RT, the “scientists” behind this “global dimming” agenda do admit that it comes with “highly uncertain” outcomes, including the high possibility (read: certain probability) that blocking out the sun’s rays will lead to an infinitely more catastrophic situation for our world than anything that could ever be inflicted by man-made climate change.

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“… there are no guarantees that it will not actually make things worse in a catastrophic sort of way,” reports RT. “There is a suspicious lack of information about what ‘dimming the sun’ could possibly do to those of us who rely on it for basic things – like growing food, or not freezing to death.”

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“Geoengineering” now being openly discussed by the very same people who said it was a “conspiracy theory”

Keep in mind that just a few short years ago, these same “scientists” and “news” outlets that are now widely reporting on the supposed need for geoengineering in order to “cool” the planet rabidly denied that such a concept even existed. Anyone who dared to even speak of “chemtrails” or “geoengineering” was dubbed a “lunatic” conspiracy theorist – even though chemtrails have been visible in our skies for more than a decade.

Somehow, these same social manipulators have decided that the time is ripe to stop lying, at least about the existence of chemtrails. But they’re continuing to peddle the global warming lie along with their latest admission that chemtrails exist, going a step further to insist that they’re necessary for planetary survival – and climate zealots everywhere are cheering them on as saviors of the world.

Ayn Rand warned about this in her book Atlas Shrugged, detailing what Zero Hedge describes as “the unveiling of various government-funded boondoggles,” all of which “end in tragedy and mass death.”

“From trains asphyxiating their passengers to sonic weapons killing spectators, the hubris and ineptitude of the rentier class which took over the U.S. government was on display in all its glory,” explains Zero Hedge.

“So, every time I see some hare-brained idea in service of a politically-motivated lie I just look at my wife, shake my head and say, ‘Act III, Atlas Shrugged, hon.'”

A free abstract of the study in question can be viewed at this link.

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