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Global Warming: What You See Below is Only Part of the Story

Mitch Battros

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Yes you guessed right; the Sun play's the ultimate role in what is coming in the very near future. When you read the article below, you will begin to see the backlash against the global warming scam, and a turn to the true science of 'cycles' and the natural occurrence of warming and cooling trends that would occur "if there were no humans on Earth".

Last week, just two days before Gore's controversial Nobel Prize acceptance, a high court judge (Burton) ruled against Al Gore's global warming hyped film 'An Inconvenient Truth'. The most striking slap-down was his ruling that Gore's Hollywood docu-dram provided "no evidence of anthropogenic warming". The word "anthropogenic" is nothing but a legal scientific term meaning "human caused".

But it didn't stop there. Judge Burton had a long list of descriptive adjectives to describe Gore's false statements and "intent" to project as science fact. What we found was nothing more than "science fiction". In Burton's own descriptive words. Judge Burton's ruling: "no evidence, one- sided, exaggeration, very unlikely, cannot be established, it plainly and does not support Mr Gore's description."

But the most telling of Burton's ruling statement as the result of legal adjudication was this: "It is apparently considered to be far more likely to result from other factors." Other factors indeed---such as the Sun.