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Massive Land Hurricane Forms In United States For Second Time In Month As Suns Current Slows To Record Lows

Sorcha Faal

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mean "Something resembling a hurricane in force or speed.", and of which these storms do.

To the damage, and potential damage, of these Massive Land Hurricanes the losses have been severe, but also there have been great benefits to many areas.

The damage consists in the numerous tornadoes from the feeder bands of these storms and the associated flooding due to torrential downpours, the benefits are due to the rain produced and much of which is, and has, been falling in drought affected areas of the United States, especially their Midwestern and New England Regions.

The greater significance to these Massive Storms however lies in their not supposed to be happening at all, according to Russian Scientific reports, and are the precursors to a greatly increased risk of Global Weather Instability that human beings have not known in their recorded history.

To the Western Scientists agreeing with their Russian counterparts about these events, and in preparing the peoples of North America for much greater weather catastrophes in the months ahead, we can see evidenced in these reports:

As reported by Canada’s Globe and Mail News Service in their May 11th article titled "Forecasters predict most of Canada will be sweltering", and which says, "In its latest long-term forecast, Environment Canada has warned of high temperatures and low precipitation levels from May to July, weather patterns that could leave city-dwellers suffering and farmers praying for rain."

As reported by the Reuters News Service in their May 10th article titled "New York warned to prepare for hurricanes", and which says, "A hurricane with only moderate intensity could wreak havoc in New York City because it has been years since the nation's financial center faced severe weather, government forecasters warned on Tuesday."

Most surprising about these events, and warnings, in these Western Nations is the surprise, shock, and disbelief among their people, especially the Americans, about these events, and the worst ones to come this year, because it was the United States Pentagon that has previously stated their dire findings on Global Weather Chaos and which their own people still seem not to know about.