Record Breaking Temps In NYC For 5th Time In Oct.
NEW YORK (CBS) ― For the fifth time this month, a record high temperature was set at LaGuardia Airport on Tuesday, and it's the seventh record high to be set in the last six weeks.
The temperature Tuesday topped out at 80-degrees, breaking the old record set back in 1995.
What's more, the average temperature this month has been 9 degrees above normal. With just a week to go until November, New York City is on pace to have its warmest October ever.
In Central Park, the average temperature this month has been 66.7 degrees, a full three degrees warmer than the warmest October on record, which was 60 years ago in 1947.
This past week has seen high temperatures remaining steady in the 70s, with a streak of seven straight days with temperatures at least 10 degrees above normal.
It hasn't been just this past week that's seen warmer than normal weather. In fact, 32 of the past 34 days have also experienced above average temperatures.
But after some cooling rains move into the region Tuesday night into Wednesday, more seasonal air will blow in with it as temperatures return back to normal in the 60s by the end of the week.