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Shocking NASA Photo & Admission Of Chemtrail Cover

From Harry -

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S, Terra Satellite, NASA

Explanation: Artificial clouds made by humans may become so common they change the Earth's climate. The long thin cloud streaks that dominate the above satellite photograph of Georgia are contrails, cirrus clouds created by airplanes. The exhaust of an airplane engine can create a contrail by saturating the surrounding air with extra moisture. The wings of a plane can similarly create contrails by dropping the temperature and causing small ice-crystals to form. Contrails have become more than an oddity - they may be significantly increasing the cloudiness of Earth, reflecting sunlight back into space by day, and heat radiation back to Earth even at night. The effect on climate is a topic of much research. You can help NASA measure the actual abundance of contrails by participating in a contrail counting exercise that runs over the next two days. (See link, "help NASA") -8.html



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[NOTE: The exhaust from a jet airplane can create water vapor trails or condensation trails known as contrails which disappear in a matter of seconds. The deliberate spraying of chemicals from a spray system aboard the airplane creates the chemical trails or chemtrails seen in this picutre over Alabama, Georgia and northern Florida. PHB ]
