HELP WAS DECLINED BY THE US GOVERNMENT The following articles are included in this posting Help Was Declined By The US Government !! Nagin: White House Ignores Pleas To Save New Orleans; Helicopter
The following articles are included in this posting
The following articles are included in this posting
Help Was Declined By The US Government !!
Nagin: White House Ignores Pleas To Save New Orleans; Helicopters Diverted
Martial Law Declared Around New Orleans
Flashback: Bush Held Back Funding On Hurricane Defense
Breaking: Thousands Dead In New Orleans
August 31, 2005
‘Descent Into Hell’, 50,000 Lives Bring Apocalyptic Warning to All Citizens of United States, the World Cries ‘You Are Not Alone’, They Cannot Hear.
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian Subscribers
Russian Intelligence reports are stating this morning that the grave situation developing in the American City of New Orleans can only be described as a ‘Decent Into Hell’, as to this hour over 50,000 human beings of this once great American City remain trapped by rising flood waters with no means for their Government to evacuate all of them.
With no resources available for food, water, shelter, or evacuation, the masses of these peoples have become one of the largest unruly mobs in modern history, and with no police or military forces able to contain them they are presently running rampant throughout what remains of this city in what these reports describe as ‘frantic acts for survival’.
Numerous gun battles between portions of these ‘mobs’ and police forces yesterday had caused their Military Authorities to completely leave this city and declare a State of Martial Law. FSB reports state that many of these gun battles were the result of drug addicts breaking into a large pharmaceutical establishment because of these drug addicts needing drugs to keep from suffering ‘withdrawals’.
These FSB reports further state that this city has broken down into complete ‘mob rule’, with many innocent civilians shot and ‘numerous’ dead bodies lying in the streets.
To the greater issue however is that the American people are viewing for the first time, in many of their memories, what the limitations of State power really are. Only by the deception of words is any government, of any kind, been able to exercise tyrannical authority over their citizens. To the citizens of New Orleans, and among their poorest, who have been left behind and cut off from their normal daily functions, the fallacy of any government being able to control the masses of its citizens is laid completely bare.
Being kept from these American people also by their Military Rulers have been the uncounted offers of assistance from Nations all around the world, including: Venezuela has offered their Medical Airlift Command for the evacuation of peoples trapped in these devastated regions; Holland has offered the resources of their Public Works Ministry (and who are the acknowledged World Experts for below sea level water evacuation procedures); Russia has offered over 100,000 temporary living structures, along with Military Personal to assist their American counterparts; Iran has offered 1 Billion US Dollars in immediate assistance and guaranteed 5,000,000 barrels of oil at $35.00 US Dollars; China has offered their Military Rescue Forces (Who are acknowledged as one of the best in the world for rescuing peoples in flood ravaged areas.)
All of these offers, and more, the Military Leaders of the United States have declined, and for the their previously stated reason: “The United States Government and its People Respectfully Decline your offer of assistance and refer you to our previous State Department Bulletin (NCO:13788) in which we had stated that this remains an internal action.”
This morning remains one of the most critical times in the history of these once great people in America. Only through such unprecedented cataclysms such as they are currently experiencing are they able to break through the lies and distortions of their Military Leaders and Propaganda Media Organs to see, even glimpse, the wholesale lies they are told in order to keep them in a pacified state.
But sadly, and as the events of September 11, 2001 clearly show, the mass of these Americans are willing to believe any and all lies they are told, no matter how absurd, as long as they can be left with the illusion that their lives today will continue into their tomorrows. How sad it is for them to see their world in these terms, but it remains a fact that this is indeed the only way they can cope with a world disintegrating around them.
Nagin: White House Ignores Pleas To
Save New Orleans; Helicopters Diverted
Total Information Analysis | August 31 2005
8:07 pm CDT -- New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin has given a remarkable interview to WWL TV, broadcast on Nagin said that the National Guard's Blackhawk helicopter carrying the sandbags to plug the hole in the levee on 17th St. Canal was diverted to rescue misssions.
Nagin said he called the governor, and that he and other state and local officials are unsuccesfully trying to get through to the White House to ask if the people in Washington know what they're doing.
The White House switchboard is 202-456-1414.
To ask the La. Air National Guard to ignore Bush's treasonous orders and plug the hole, call (504) 271-6262 .
Flashback: Bush Held Back Funding On Hurricane Defense (see articles below)
Martial Law Declared Around New Orleans
UPI | August 30 2005
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 30 (UPI) -- Martial law was declared in New Orleans midday Tuesday as the city continued flooding from at least two levees damaged by Hurricane Katrina.
WWL-TV, New Orleans, which evacuated its studios earlier, reported airlifts of sandbags had been ordered as water flooded along the city's landmark Canal Street. No one but emergency personnel was being allowed into the city, whose two airports were under water. Looting was reported.
Mayor Ray Nagin said bodies have been seen floating in floodwaters, although neither city nor Louisiana state officials had issued a preliminary death toll.
Nagin said the city's Twin Span Bridge is "totally destroyed" and that 80 percent of the city is underwater. New Orleans is 6 feet below sea level, and reliant on levees to hold back water from Lake Ponchartrain.
He also predicted there would be no electricity in the city for four to six weeks. Natural gas leaks were also reported throughout the city, CNN reported.
Flashback: Bush Held Back Funding On Hurricane Defense
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has identified millions of dollars in flood and hurricane protection projects in the New Orleans district.
Chances are, though, most projects will not be funded in the president's 2006 fiscal year budget to be released today.
In general, funding for construction has been on a downward trend for the past several years, said Marcia Demma, chief of the New Orleans Corps' programs management branch.
In 2001, the New Orleans district spent $147 million on construction projects. When fiscal year 2005 wraps up Sept. 30, the Corps expects to have spent $82 million, a 44.2 percent reduction from 2001 expenditures.
Demma said NOC expects its construction budget to be slashed again this year, which means local construction companies won't receive work from the Corps and residents won't see any new hurricane protection projects.
Demma said she couldn't say exactly how much construction funding will be cut until the president's budget is released today. But it's down, she said.
The New Orleans district has at least $65 million in projects in need of fiscal year 2005 funding. In fiscal year 2006, the need more than doubles to at least $150 million.
Unfunded projects include widening drainage canals, flood- proofing bridges and building pumping stations in Orleans and Jefferson parishes. The Corps also wants to build levees in unprotected areas on the West Bank.
Demma does not expect the Corps to award many more projects before fiscal year 2005 ends.
The New Orleans district already owed about $11 million to construction companies after funding dried up last July, well before the end of the fiscal year. By paying its debt, the Corps lost money it could have spent on other projects in 2005.
Boh Bros. Construction Co. LLC of New Orleans waited until November for the Corps to pay off a nearly $2 million debt, said Robert S. Boh, company president.
When the Corps doesn't pay its bills, companies like Boh Bros. either use internal funds or borrow money to continue work.
That is a tough burden that is placed on us, Boh said.
Boh said his situation was not as bad as construction companies working the Corps' Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project, which was created to improve drainage in Jefferson, Orleans and St. Tammany parishes.
The burden that reduced funding puts on us is that funds are not necessarily available in each fiscal year to pay for the construction work that we might be able to do, Boh said. They're running out of funds and presenting the contractor with a real dilemma.
The most urgent work being delayed by funding shortfalls involves levee construction on the West Bank.
The West Bank doesn't have the first level of protection completed. So, that's the really critical one, Demma said.
On the bright side, the West Bank work has been receiving higher funding than usual in the past few years to get this work done, she said.
Still, $3.5 million in West Bank construction contracts have not been funded in fiscal year 2005.
SELA has a backlog of $35 million, according to the Corps' 2005 budget.
Our progress is definitely beginning to slow, said Stan Green, SELA project manager.
Green said SELA has 14 project plans that could be awarded if funds were available. SELA's highest priority, he said, is completing an intake culvert for Dwyer Road in eastern New Orleans. The culvert, an underground concrete box that carries water to a pumping station, would improve the flow of water to the Dwyer Road pumping station, where construction should be completed by October, he said. A roughly $18 million contract for the culvert has been not awarded due to lack of money, he said.
Fourteen SELA projects worth $114 million could be awarded, he said. But SELA's 2005 budget is only $28.5 million, he said.
The last time a SELA contract was awarded was early in fiscal year 2004, he said.
We're just continuing work that's been under way for some time, he said.
Green said the 14 projects consist of widening canals and replacing bridges, such as the West Esplanade Avenue bridge at Elmwood Canal, which restricts water flow in area canals.
I think the projects are of critical importance in reducing rainfall flooding, Green said. I'd say in the last two or three years, the work that we've already done under SELA has made a significant difference. We have a lot of benefits yet to be realized from this work we haven't built yet.
The 2006 SELA budget has also been cut, Green said.
Corps projects are important to companies such as Boh Bros., which is in the middle of a $36 million contract to install floodgates for the Harvey Canal.
Boh said the unpredictable pay pattern will make him scrutinize Corps contracts more closely before applying for work.
Well, we're going to have to look at each one now, he said. We'll have to make a judgment about the likelihood of funding being adequate to pay for the work.
Breaking: Thousands dead in New Orleans
'Thousands dead' in New Orleans
There has been billions of dollars worth of damage in the south
City under siege
Hurricane Katrina is thought to have killed hundreds, probably thousands of people in New Orleans, the city's mayor, Ray Nagin, has said.
Mr Nagin said there were significant numbers of corpses in the waters of the flood-stricken city, while many more people may be dead in their homes.
The city has been plagued by looting, floods and increasingly desperate people, two days after the hurricane.
State officials say they will rescue survivors before counting the dead.
Mr Nagin warned it could be four months before people could return home.
In Mississippi, the death toll has reached 110, but there are still no official estimates for Louisiana.
Map of central New Orleans
The head of the US Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, said life remains "very dangerous" in the aftermath of the hurricane.
A public health emergency has been declared to speed up the delivery of food, water and fuel to the region.
Medical shelters are being set up offering 10,000 beds, while the US military is providing dozens of rescue helicopters and boats.
Before the phones went, I was told [my family in Biloxi] had lost their roof, barn, 2 oak trees and many pines and they were letting in water
Natalie McVeigh
Oakley, England
Your Katrina experiences
Blogging Katrina
The authorities are planning to evacuate up to 20,000 people from the city's Superdome stadium where conditions have sharply deteriorated. Water is rising inside, there is no electricity and toilets are overflowing.
Four people believed to be elderly or infirm died in the stadium overnight, according to reports.
In Mississippi, officials have warned the death toll is likely to climb further.
Harrison County bore the brunt of Hurricane Katrina as it slammed into Biloxi and Gulfport before heading inland.
"I can only imagine that this is what Hiroshima looked like 60 years ago," said the state's governor, Haley Barbour, after viewing the destruction from the air.
In the worst hit areas of Mississippi, 90% of the buildings were "totally just gone", he said.
Rising water
About a million people were evacuated from the New Orleans area before the hurricane struck, but Mr Nagin said a "couple hundred thousand" were still trapped in the city.
Water from Lake Pontchartrain is pouring into New Orleans after the failed attempts to plug breaches in the barriers which are supposed to protect the city.
Follow Katrina's path
The pumps which usually assist are no longer working because of the rising levels.
"The water will rise to try and equal the water level of the lake, which is 3ft (1m) above sea level," Mayor Nagin said.
"I'm on the 27th floor of a very un-air conditioned building looking out over the city. And I'm looking uptown and where there was dry land, there is now several feet of water."
Earlier he voiced his frustration with the relief effort, attacking what he saw as a lack of co-ordination.
"There is way too many frigging ... cooks in the kitchen," he said.
The BBC's Alastair Leithead in New Orleans says there is panic as vital supplies run out. Heavily armed police have been trying to impose a form of martial law to stem looting.
The search for survivors continues in New Orleans as waters continue to rise
In pictures
While some looters are stealing non-essential goods, others are simply trying to find food and water.
Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco acknowledged there was a severe problem with looting, but said officials had to focus on finding those who were still alive.
"We don't like looters one bit, but first and foremost is search and rescue," she said.
Survivors are being found all the time.
In Mississippi, two children who lost their parents were taken to safety. In New Orleans, people are still being winched from roofs.
The US Red Cross has mobilised thousands of volunteers for its biggest-ever natural disaster effort and federal emergency teams are being dispatched.
American Red Cross donations
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President George W Bush, whose ratings have fallen to an all-time low in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll, has cut his holiday two days short.
He is expected to chair a meeting on Wednesday evening of a White House task force set up to co-ordinate the relief effort.
Queen Elizabeth II has sent a message to Mr Bush saying she is "shocked and saddened" at the devastation caused by Katrina, and expressing her sympathy for US citizens.
Damage estimates of more than $25bn suggest it could be the US insurance industry's most expensive natural disaster ever.
The price of crude oil on the international market hit a record $70.85 a barrel due to the vulnerability of oil and gas fields in the Gulf of Mexico.
The US energy secretary has announced that oil will be released from government petroleum reserves.