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Facing The Aftermath Of Ivan, In The Cayman's

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icials, and church and community leaders.

This is the first time in the modern history of the Cayman Islands that people have felt what it is like to be without modern conveniences for any extended period of time.

As the aftereffects of Ivan set in, many people are walking the streets homeless and there are few places open to purchase food or drink.

Two of the major supermarkets suffered severe damage and one, Kirk Supermarket, has been completely demolished. According to an eyewitness report, “It looks as though a bomb went off inside it.”

The remaining Hurleys and Fosters supermarkets are reported to be open, although damaged.

Thompson Shipping is scheduled to recommence bringing in food and other supplies on Wednesday.

There have been eyewitness reports of sporadic looting, contrary to the Government’s official statement on the matter, and security remains of great concern.

Two Royal Navy vessels, which arrived in Cayman waters on Monday, are expected to dock today, as soon as sea conditions permit.

The airport reopened at 12 noon on Monday, but only for daytime landings and only for relief flights, not for commercial flights.

According to Government officials there are no confirmed deaths so far. However, the Government has now revised its high estimate of homes damaged from 50 percent to 80 percent.

In response to many requests from our overseas readers, Cayman Net News is working with Cable & Wireless to try to set up an information hotline. Further details will be published as soon as they are available.

As previously reported, the Cayman Islands government has announced that a committee will be established to co-ordinate relief efforts but, as of Tuesday morning, no details have been made available. (A committee ! , poor devils, apparently there troubles have only just begun, if that's the case) Cayman Net News will be working directly with government officials today to try to get at least preliminary information published as soon as possible.
