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Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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Hi hope you are the right person for this


Justin here from - *your tribe* in tech, finance, and entrepreneurship.



Just a super quick email because of your article here



I noticed that you referenced in your article who were talking about how to create a cryptocurrency.



At DDI, we have published a related post recently with tons of research and I thought you and your readers might like it.



Would you consider recommending our post to your readers by linking to it?



Here’s our post, hope to have your comment.






A sobering new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that during the just concluded meeting held in New York City at the United Nations between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the American’s “outright refused” the Russia-China outlines for a new gold-backed global economic order with them labeling this offer as “surrender terms”—but whose refusal of, therefore, signals the imminent collapse of the entire Western banking system whose entire structure is warned ready to implode upon itself “within months”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



According to this report, as President Putin, during the past fortnight, warned the American’s that BRICS was ready to challenge the US Dollar as the global reserve currency, the demands placed on the United States by both Russia and China were: 1.) The Americans immediately stabilize the collapse of the US Dollar—and—2.) The Americans make a sustained and concentrated effort to keep their national debt limit below $20 trillion—and as we previously reported in our 13 September article “Russia-China Prepare “Final Death Blow” For America As Massive Armies Face Off In Europe”.

The US Dollar, this report explains, underpins the “petrodollar system” that is more important for American global domination than either arms exports or Hollywood culture, because it allows the US to be the biggest exporter of the US Dollar bills the rest of the world needs to be able to buy oil—but that Venezuela (who has the world’s largest oil reserves) has now become the latest nation to quit using.



The global regulator of the “petrodollar system”, this report explains, is the Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements (BIS) (called the “bank of banks”), and who, this past June, issued a shocking report stating that up to 70% of the $700 billion in OPEC's investable US Dollar reserve funds could not be accounted for—with their further discovering that one-tenth of the world’s GDP is held in offshore tax havens—and their yesterday, too, uncovering a staggering $14 trillion of global US Dollar debt hidden in derivatives and swap contracts—a startling sum that doubles the underlying levels of offshore US Dollar credit in the international system.

Former BIS Chief Economist William R. White in his commenting on these shocking findings this past week, this report continues, is warning that the “petrodollar system” has now become “dangerously unanchored, and who further states that the current situation “looks very similar to 2008” adding that he sees “more dangers” today than he did in 2007—and whose warnings cannot be ignored as he was one of the few who warned about the wild behaviour in the debt markets before the global banking storm hit in 2008—and that is known now as the Great Recession.



Agreeing with BIS that the “petrodollar system” is nearing a total collapse, this report notes, is the French banking giant Société Générale Group, and who have also just issued a warning stating that “dangerous volatility is inciting flashbacks to the 2007-2008 global financial crisis”—and who, like BIS Chief Economist William R. White, pre-warned about the 2007-2008 global banking collapse months before it occurred—and that we had, also, documented in our 28 June 2007 article titled “US Banking Collapse ‘Imminent’ Warns French Banking Giant”.

Joining with BIS and the Société Générale Group, this report continues, is the US-based global banking giant Goldman Sachs, who have, also, just issued a warning stating that US financial markets might be heading for a collapse too—but all of whose warnings, as like happened in 2007 prior to the great banking collapse, the US mainstream propaganda media won’t allow the American people to know about.

In 2008, when the “petrodollar system” exploded into the global financial earthquake now called “The Three Weeks That Changed The World”, this report further explains, the US Federal Reserve flooded the world with US Dollars in order to keep everything from collapsing—and whose cost now totals up to $4.5 trillion they are going to attempt to deal with this coming week—but whose first casualty is warned will, most likely, be the Euro that experts are now warning is ready to crash too.



To protect themselves against the looming collapse of the “petrodollar system” and Western banking system, this report details, Russia and China have embarked upon a plan to “de-dollarize” the global economy and return it to the gold standard—and that both nations are able to accomplish with their being the number one and number two gold producers in the world.

Russia, also, this report notes, has left the West’s global banking system and sold off all of its US Dollar reserves replacing them with gold—and has, likewise, begun this past week the replacement of the West’s Visa and MasterCard with the Russian MirCard.

Though a US trade war with China over North Korea would end the American monopoly on the global financial system, this report notes, the Chinese have, nonetheless, ordered there to be no market turbulence until the ending of their Party Congress on 11 October—but whose banks are “extremely vulnerable” to any American shock due to their having more than $40 trillion in assets held against just $2 trillion in equity.



Also to be noted, this report says, are the millions of people in the West abandoning the US Dollar for what are called “cryptocurrencies” (such as Bitcoin) they believe will protect them—and that Bank of Russia Chairwoman Elvira Nabiullina has alerted to the dangers of by comparing the using of “cryptocurrency” to a financial pyramid, and who in outlawing them stated  We, in fact, do not legalize pyramids”.

With both the BIS and China echoing Russia’s concerns about “cryptocurrencies” being nothing more than a financial pyramid scheme, this report continues, some American experts are now, also, coming to the same conclusion too, and who recently warned:

“Microsoft, Apple and Google are all very tight with the U.S. government.  It’s part of the reason why Russia continues to crack-down on use of their software. 

Putin knows it’s all spyware. 

Second, if your cryptos are stored in your browser then they can be stolen from you. 

Forget petty thieves.  I’m thinking much bigger than that. 

Do you really think any of these companies would not comply with an IRS decree to seize your assets directly off of your computer?”



We’d like to end this report today by our pointing out to you that on 28 June 2007, we warned you in our article titled “US Banking Collapse ‘Imminent’ Warns French Banking Giant” about what was going to soon occur—and that was followed nearly a month later, on 26 July 2007, when the US stock market plummeted 400 points, and that rebounded to its pre-recession high on 9 October 2007 closing at 14,164.43—but that 18 months later, had dropped more than 50 percent to 6,594.44 on 5 March 2009.

Though very few listened to our 28 June 2007 warning, those very few who did took their US Dollars and bought gold—that was then, in 2007, selling for $608.40 an ounce—by 2009 was worth $1212.50 an ounce—and today is worth $1314.80 an ounce.

You should NEVER, or course, base any financial decision you make on what we say—but then again, please note—on 28 June 2007 we did warn you that Bear Stearns was going to collapse and cause a global banking meltdown—but that almost a year later, on 11 May 2008, one of the main US mainstream media financial propagandists, named Jim Kramer, of CNBC, told you was a complete lie.



Those who listened to the US mainstream media propagandists, however, and as you well know, lost everything—while those who heard our warning survived, and even thrived—and as we direct to those of you today who “have ears to hear” and “eyes to see”.



Other reports in this series include:

Russia-China Prepare “Final Death Blow” For America As Massive Armies Face Off In Europe

US Banking Collapse ‘Imminent’ Warns French Banking Giant

September 18, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]