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Eldon Warman

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The Federal Reserve money system is a tool of the Holy Roman Empire, behind several veils, 
to control slaves. The income tax is the harvesting of the fruits of the 'owned' slaves labor.
The use of the money doesn't make the man a slave. The fiat money is merely 'ship's script',
as the corporate fascist structure, with all corporate bodies being make-believe ships at sea,
uses such maritime inventions because they are not subject to land based systems where free 
man lives. 
The mechanism that makes people slaves (and I mean by slave, non-free will, not forced labor)
is the attachment of oneself to the State owned legal name without permission. In the America,
 there are two mechanisms in the conversion of a free will adult man to that of plantation slave.
They are 1. the property right legal maxim, accessio cedit principali, an accessory attached to 
a principal becomes the property of the owner of the principal. In this case, the principal is
the State owned legal name, as one finds on a birth certificate, where the family name is called 
a 'surname', meaning a primary name. 2. because one uses property belonging to a maritime 
entity (make-believe ship at sea), one is 'guilty unless proven innocent', the unauthorized use
of State property is a crime of theft of use. Thus, the 13th Amendment of the corporate UNITED 
STATES allows involuntary servitude to be imposed upon a convicted criminal. The 14th Amendment
of the corporate UNITED STATES gave the corporation the right to own slaves - US citizens, as
citizen has the same meaning as subject or freeman - a slave granted privileges in return for a pledge
of allegiance and obedience to corporate rules (statutes).
It is only then that 'ship script' fiat money can be imposed as the currency of the corporate realm.
Eldon Warman