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Food for Thought: Establishing the Seat of Government

The Trustee

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of, and subservient to, their government. However, the postal system in

the United States has a different legal history than one would expect.

The Post Office and Judicial Courts were established before the seat of

the Government. On Thursday, Sept. 17, 1789 we find written, "Mr.

Goodhue, for the committee appointed for the purpose, presented a bill

to amend part of the Tonnage act, which was read the first time. The

bill sent from the Senate, for the temporary establishment of the Post

Office, was read the second and third time, and passed. The bill for

establishing the Judicial Courts . . . , for establishing the seat of

government . . . " [1][11] Other references to the Post Office support

my theory of the founding forefather's views:

1) POST OFFICE: A place where letters are received to be sent to the

persons to whom they, are addressed.

2. The post office establishment of the United States, is of the

greatest importance to the people and to the government. The

constitution of the United States has invested congress with power to

establish post offices and post roads. Art. 1, s. 8, n. 7.

3. By virtue of this constitutional authority, congress passed several

laws anterior to the third day of March 1825, when an act, entitled "An

act to reduce into one the several acts establishing and regulating the

post office department," was passed. 3 Story, U. S. 1825. It is thereby

enacted, 1. That there be established, the seat of the government of the

United States, a general post office, under the direction of a

postmaster general. [2][12]

We need to take notice of where the commas are placed on that last

sentence. "That there be established, the seat of the government of the

United States, a general post office, under the direction of a

postmaster general." When you set off a clause with commas, one must

make sure that the sentence makes sense without that clause. Taking out

the set-off clause, we read . . . "the seat of the government of the

United States under the direction of a postmaster general."

The set-off clause is a descriptive clause. Is it not? So, we

have...."for establishing the seat of government, a general post

office,..." " under the direction of the postmaster general." We also

see that the establishment of the '...general post office...' was to be


So, we have the Post Office of the United States, (republic),

established the judicial courts and the seat of government, a general

post office, under the direction of the postmaster general. The ten (10)

miles square styled as Washington, D.C. is a general post office, or

postal zone, under the direction of the postmaster general. This new

postal zone, the United States Post Office, being the newly established

seat of government, authorized its congress to establish postal roads

and post offices within the ten miles square and any/all territories of


So, we now have 1) the original Post Office of the United States, and 2)

the corporate United States Post Office, the creation of and under the

authority of the original post office of the United States.

The Buck Act divided America into several territories whereby the

corporate U.S. Post Office could establish postal roads and post offices

throughout American in order to execute their complex regulatory scheme

(see July 2-3,2009 post 'Food for Thought, Their Sandbox') thereby

extending their power and control over the American people beyond the

ten miles square.

When one goes to the USPS web site you find that the postmaster general

wears two hats. He is the postmaster of the Post Office of the United

States and he is the CEO of the corporate United States Post Office, now

the USPS.

You will also notice that they self-describe the post office as 1) the

'most trusted government agency......' and 2) ' of the ten most

trusted organizations in the nation...' Well......., when you look up

the words agency and organization you find that they are two distinctly

different entities and no where do the two definitions cross reference,

not even in a thesaurus. They are telling us that they are two separate

and distinct entities

It is important to understand the importance of the sequence of events,

or sequence of creation in this matter. The original Post Office of the

United States has remained solvent throughout the years unaffected by

the various bankruptcies of the 'government of the U.S.' Only the

corporate general post office, the seat of government of the U.S., was

affected by the bankruptcies.

One must ask, when the creation is in breach, and/or has morphed into a

continuing criminal enterprise, is its creator responsible for curing

the breach? Can the creator be held to account for the actions of its

creation? Remember that we are speaking about contracts and legal

fictions here. We are speaking about an insolvent legal fiction creation

of a continuously solvent entity; a solvent entity of We the People of

America, is it not?

Is it not the responsibility of the original post office of the United

States to pull the plug on their creation which is out of control? The

receivership has exhausted its term life, yet refuses to yield to the

republic. Is it not the responsibility of the Post Office of the United

States, (republic), to bring their creation to heal? Does their refusal

to hold their creation to account establish a valid claim against the

continuously solvent creator, the Post Office of the United States by We

the People of America?

The question now is how does one safely traverse the magical kingdom of

the post office, whose magic is so great as to have caused one of the

greatest and most powerful talismans of our time, the Constitution of

the United States, to succumb to their power?

It has been suggested that the Declaration of Independence is such a

powerful talisman that if We the People of American would simply

verbalize the Declaration of Independence on a daily basis that we could

once again breath life into it; to revive its magical power and counter

the rampant negative, fear mongering energy that exists, and is

destroying America today.

It is becoming increasingly clear in America today that the illuminati,

Freemasons, etc. have and continue to use black magic against We the

American People to gain power and control over us. Their magic will

continue to hold us in its gaze like the proverbial deer in the

headlights until we wake up and accept the facts that create are reality

today; until we awaken to and accept the I AM and the magical power we

wield from knowing who we are!



[1][11] Gales and Seaton's History [H. of R.], p. 928.

[2][12] Bouvier, John. Law Dictionary. Adapted to the Constitution and

Laws of The United States of America And of the

Several States of the American Union, With References to the Civil and

Other Systems of Foreign Law. In the Philadelphia, by the

Childs & Peterson. (1856)


----- Original Message -----
From: DH
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 5:19 PM