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The time is NOW. Take back our nation or lose it! The people have all the power, but we refuse to use it!

David J. D'Addabbo, Investigator For The People

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Date: 10-04-2010.

The debt that everyone is hearing about in the US INC today is solely and only owed by the US INC, CEO (called US president, and Board of Directors, called legislators, congress, and Judges, called justice department lead by the DOJ and all its illegal companies.) The US INC is a private company (started in 1913 along with the federal reserve and the take our freedoms away and use us people as collateral for the debts of the US INC!!!!!)

This private commerce company now called the US Inc was set up by the IMF world bankers to take over the "US of America"  (the real national name and free land)  and its organic constitutional laws over governments. Therefore the US INC and its franchises called UTAH INC , IDAHO INC, etc... are doing commerce as directed for the US INC boss, called the president or in reality the CEO of the corporation for profit.  Who ORDERS all others to follow his lead or else they do not get US INC money for their STATE franchises. This private company uses the IRS to capture and hold as bond servants the USA people, then the IRS does steal money and wealth from the people as well as enforcing the Franchised Inc's to press even harder the yoke of bondage, with their STATE INC  tax commissions, to take private property from the people to hold as collateral for this US INC debt.  That is why private property is taxed every year, (vehicles, homes, land, etc. all 100% not legal to tax by org!

 anic USA constitutional laws)..

FACT. The "sovereign United States of America" people do not own one penny of debt to anyone, even their homes are fictitious depts. held in escrow by the IMF world bankers as collateral for the US INC debts.  They the USA sovereign people, can at any time, in SEVERAL MINUTES, simply dissolve the US INC corporation for profit and all of its franchise STATES, arrest the perpetrators for treason, place them inside military jails or prison camps and await trials for treason; then the sovereign people can start to rebuild this nation and return it back to the Constitutional lawful governments of freedom and moral standards of a God fearing nation..

WE the people have all "inalienable rights"   as USA people.  Those rights can not be regulated, removed, or even given away ; as what happens every day, millions of times a day, orchestrated  by the DOJ .

WE have NO rights as US INC people, but only privileges...that come with regulations, taxes and no property rights...etc... As the US inc and all of its franchises have lied to the people under color of law and did so by committing TREASON; and have taken away our rights via the Department of Justice, (an executive branch company made up to rule the other 3 branches of governments) that actually has no legal authority over the USA people, but only has authority over the Company's people.

The via the executive office (president or CEO) and under the  DOJ,  all the other alphabet soup companies that run and ruin this nations freedom are created and enforced upon us under COLOR OF LAW.   The Company (US INC) every day, is usurping jurisdiction from the sovereign states, under color of law, as the STATES  Inc, are in it for the money and sell our rights for money to these none legal private commerce companies such as the IRS, DHLS, FBI, CPS, DEA, BATF, etc.

China is our enemy but knows we have already lost our nation to the world bankers at IMF... China has worked out deals with these bankers for selling China our land!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Even though China can not take our land with them, and in reality we still own it via 70 million gun owners.. We must NOT allow these TREASONOUS actions  to continue.  The constitutional laws clearly state that giving aid and comfort to the enemies  is TREASON in Article 3 section 3... And in Article 4 section 4 it clearly states what is the ONLY kind of government allowed in this nation.. 

It is self evident all around us, as large as the sky is blue, that the present day governments all the way from DC to Cache County Utah are corrupted with Corporations for profit working for the IMF world bankers at the extent of TREASONOUS actions giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States of America sovereign people!  Look at their yearly CAFRs.(Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports).  You will see clear and present danger of non exposed, Trillions of dollars in profits, being funneled off, well hidden from they yearly budgets that the sheep are shown each year for approval and of course to raise property taxes to pay for. all under color of law and against the organic Constitutional laws for governments to obey.

The now STATE franchised and US INC, 3 branches of governments will NOT help us stop this illegal take over. In fact, they are a huge part of the problem and must  EACH be arrested by citizens arrest, and placed in military jails for TREASON charges. This means judges, sheriffs, governors, legislators, mayors, county executives, tax commissioners, County Commissioners, all US INC officers, etc...

This can be done 100% legally and is NOT vigilante justice, but legal justice under constitutional laws, supported by the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence as founding legal precedence and documentation of organic LAW.  We must form sovereign Citizen grand juries (SATE INC grand juries consist of 3 to 4 judges and totally ignore crimes presented to them about governments. I have proof of this by Utah Inc grand juries given 2 times legal documented served to them properly government crimes that they ignored)  The people should have at least 10 people in a grand jury to stop any doubt of unbiased rulings; then serve indictments by the grand juries, for designated citizens t(call them what you want, Constitutional Marshals, or just Citizens Arresting agents..) to make these legal and now authorized arrests, along with signed and notarized arrest warrants by the Grand Jury..

Remember that All rights of governments are derived by the people!!!! Clearly stated in Constitutional law.  Therefore, anything governments can do, the people can do without regulations nor restrictions; as constitutional laws are to control, give or remove jurisdiction and or restrict "governments ONLY," (not restrict the people) and to protect the rights of the people.  The people have unregulated rights as long as they do not harm others or others property. but when treason crimes are committed by government agents and companies, the people have a DUTY and MUST act as United States of America citizens, people of the Free land  of America and not the US INC slaves; and remember that this free land was set up by God himself and by the blood of the founding Fathers.. It is our Duty and our LAW, as Americans, to make citizens arrests and take back our nation.

These traitors must be lawfully served a summons to self arrest and to appear at a designated Court and Jail; This Summons can be served by anyone over the age of 18 years, for the perpetrators to place themselves under arrest and report to the military jails for crimes of treason by a certain date.  If not done willingly then 10 or more assigned by the Grand Juries; well armed people, must make the physical arrest and transport the perpetrators to the jails so legally assigned them. 

It would be perhaps better, if the Summons was served at the time of the actual arrests,  with the 10 armed citizens making the arrest; than to give the perpetrators a chance to escape justice by moving out of the country when served by a summons for self arrest.  Remember that the citizens of the United States of America, do not have limits of jurisdictions like the DOJ, or the Sheriff, or State police or FBI, etc. We can go anywhere in the USA and make these arrests and is clearly stated in the laws of the land.

The State military adjutant general of the armed forces must allow room in his jail system for these traitors as TREASON is a military criminal offense.   IF not, the State militias must take actions to secure the prisoners and to do so according to the lawful and legal laws of the land.  Remember all prisoners have rights as Americans and can not  be abused, but only lawfully held as captives and traitors, given food and kept healthy for their trials by fully informed juries!

Make no mistake about it people.   WE have lost our nation to our enemies and we have to do what ever we can to take it back.  I have tried for over 17 years to get the existing governments to recognize their traitors and arrest them and bring them to justice.  But what I have found in my investigations and lawful court cases is that the whole system is corrupted and infested with traitors who laugh all the way to the bank each week at our expense and our enslavement. 

Remember that God is on our side and will help us if we are humble and listen for his help.   It is Lucifer who runs the IMF world bankers and their One world government agenda.  Lucy or Lucifer or Satan, or the Devil, all being one in the same has implemented what he said he would do in the pre existence as spirits, and we fought against him then and we won that war.. Our founding fathers fought against him again in 1776 and won that war again. Now we must fight to take back our nation with all we have or we shall be held accountable to God for being such absolute ignorant self serving comfortable slaves to Lucifer..

However, WE must be precise and do this within the legal parameters of the laws of the United States of American organic Constitutional laws, the Bill of Rights and the empowerment of the Declaration Of Independence.

By our enemies, and their controlled press, We shall be called traitors, terrorists, vigilantes, and much worse. but we are indeed Patriots fighting for the rights of all the people in America;  We are those who know the laws of the land and who realize that whom ever voted for the so called "Patriot act" , and or the IRS, Federal Reserve bank for profits, and or any other illegal agency or so called laws or statutes or codes or rules or regulations that bind us as bond servants to the world order government.  and or especially to those whom have been duly warned of treason crimes  by being served legal documents and instead of turning themselves in, have made false arrests and kidnappings including murders upon the Patriots whom served them notices,  as they  tried to cover  up their treason crimes,.(such as the IRS, DOJ, FBI, CIA, BATF, DES, etc.  and all the STATE of UTAH courts,  legislators, senators, governor, attorney generals office, sheriffs, etc.

I have legally served these traitors Court summons to appear and with those legal documents have warned them of their crimes personally,  (including US Treasury agents Andrew Austin and Mat Richards, Federal Judges including Utah Judge Benson,  Utah Inc Attorney generals office, governors office Cache County officers, sheriffs in Utah,  FBI agents refused to help, Sheriffs refused to help, 2 STATE INC grand juries refused to help,  etc.)  for over 4 years by my  seeking after their exposure in my court cases. they have done nothing but had people resign or retire, NO one went to prison, or was forced fines nor was I given any compensation for my 1,000's of hours of investigation and false arrest and torture that they enforced upon me .) in fact they have openly denied any crimes, and continually from the Utah Inc supreme court to the Utah Court of Appeals,  give me the run around and  in doing so, have committed perjury, obstruction of justice, and is clearly self evident by!

  the sudden recuse of judges, retirements of officers up as high as the assistant Attorney generals office, down to the Cache county attorneys office and Sheriff of Weber  County, etc.)

IN the book of Mormon, (a modern day book of scriptures translated by a prophet in America)  Moroni warns us of these days. Ether Chapter 8  ".these secrete companies will be among you."   this means they will be sitting by us in church, at work, in the stores, court rooms, jails, etc. and this is Exactly what we now have today!

Wake up and see what our real danger is!   It is not in foreign nations that we now need to fear!  It is not waiting for the tanks to come rolling down main street .  It is that the US INC has already taken over the USA and our God given rights and freedoms that we all fought for in the pre existence is GONE and replaced by Lucifer's regulations, exactly what he wanted us to be ruled by, so HE, Lucifer could take the credit and not Jesus Christ whom gave all credit and praise to God our spiritual Father.

Contact me on how we can work together to make this happen.  WE need to make safe places in our counties first.  Then once we have a safe place to sleep,  and live; we move on to other counties and take back our States.  This will spread fast once the people learn that they have these rights to make citizens arrests and how to do it legally!!

The elections are all controlled by electronic manipulated US Inc computers.. ONLY those whom they desire to be elected to their board of directors, Senate and House, or to their CEO position President, or to the Judicial branch actually the private security force of the US Inc. will be elected.

Unless we hold a separate elections by paper ballots and counted by the people for the United States of America President and other lawful organic constitutional branches of governments; we shall be wasting  our time and precious resources,  and fall prey to the current dog and pony shows now being orchestrated and controlled by the main stream media slaves, whom are allegiant ONLY  to their New world Order government IMF world banker owners. 

With respect, I pray for God to protect and to put in his might hand to help us.

David J. D'Addabbo

5380 Hollow Road,

Nibley Utah 84321

Oct. 4, 2011