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David Rowland Challenging Tony Clement as Candidate in Parry-Sound Muskoka

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September 18th 2008 Parry Sound, Ontario

Urgent - Press Release – For immediate distribution.


Hold elected officials and our Public Servants Accountable!

David Rowland today finalized his registration as an independent candidate for the Parry-Sound Muskoka Riding and is challenging the Minister of Health, Tony Clement, and the ongoing Liberal and Conservative violations of our democratic process and our individual rights of choice.

David Rowland states, “I was motivated to challenge the Minister of Health, Tony Clement, as a direct result of the Canadian Minister of Health’s introduction of Bill C-51 and C-52 into the House of Commons on April 8th 2008.  These Bills are a continuation of the Liberal’s July 1st 1997 and January 1st 2004 BIG PHARMA driven Global schemes to deny citizens their inalienable RIGHTS OF CHOICE [see].

I personally, along with an organization that I helped co-found – Freedom of Choice in Health Care [see] – on June 26th 1997 sued the federal government to stop our Healthy Dietary food supplements from being classified and regulated as pharmaceutical drugs.

Literally millions of Canadian supported our Health Freedom movement, including the Pass C-420 campaign; and as usual, the clearly stated wishes of the citizens were ignored by Liberals and Conservatives, who both do the bidding of BIG PHARMA and the BIG CORPORATIONS, as evidenced by Stephen Harper’s and George Bush’s clearly stated agendas.

I am running for CHANGE:  as “Employers” of all elected officials and Public Servants, we need to hold them accountable.  We need to elect trusted Independents and new emerging Political Parties (such as the Green Party) who have no hidden agendas.

 I will be offering simple concrete solutions to these top Five [5] issues with which constituents are most concerned, including:

[1] Personal finances, [2] Health Care, [3] Accountability of our “Employees”, [4] Safety, Security, Well-being, and [5] Environment”.


To donate, volunteer and / or to learn about David Rowland and his practical, common sense solutions to your major concerns, be sure to visit his website at


Democracy is not a spectator activity; please personally participate in helping to reclaim ownership and control of our country and those “Employees” who are currently mismanaging our country.

Text Box:  FOR MEDIA CONTACT: Trueman Tuck, Phone: 613 968-9392, Fax: 613 771-1 797 and mail: