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Maek Election Day A Federal Holiday

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The health of democracy depends on the participation of all its people. Every voice must be heard and every vote must be counted.

But right now, the United States is failing in its responsibility, because people have trouble getting to the polls on Election Day >>

In 2006, only 41.3 percent of the total eligible voters turned out to vote. That is not a statistic a true democracy should ignore.

Studies show that the #1 reason people fail to vote is because of difficulty in getting to the polls. The federal government requires that employers grant employees the ability to vote on Election Day, but that's clearly not enough. If we take democracy seriously, then Election Day needs to be a holiday, so that everyone has the chance to do their civic duty.

Voting is the most fundamental obligation of our democracy, and it's worth dedicating a day to it.

Urge the President to protect the American democracy by making Election Day a federal holiday! >>

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Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

Make Our Democracy Stronger: Election Day Should Be a Federal Holiday

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