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From: JF
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2008 6:08 PM
Subject: Fw: Urgent Review "O" - Constitutional Crisis???
A Constitutional Crisis of Monumental Proportions
Is "O" qualified to become President of the United States of America?  Open the link below. All attempts and requests for confirming qualification documents have been denied and/or "sealed" by him.  If he is not qualified the U.S. Constitution does not provide an answer should he obtain qualifying Electoral Votes selecting him as President.  What could be the outcome of such a Constitutional Crisis?  Our Constitution does not provide the answer, therefore (you choose):
    1. President Bush declares a "National Emergency" and remains as President beyond January 20, 2009 (perhaps indefinitely)?
    2.  John McCain, not having qualifying Electoral Votes, is chosen to become President
    3.  Joe Biden is selected to become President and another is selected as V-President?
    4.  Or, perhaps with this latter senario, Biden first resigns and Pelosi becomes President?
    5.  Other?................................................................
Before the Democratic Convention, it is reported that the Hilary Clinton camp was aware of this situation and potential crisis.  This was during the time Democratic attorney Berg was presenting his "O" qualification/"O" birth certificate/etc., case before the Pennsylvania court.  At that time, it is reported, Clinton Representatives met in Arizona for 5 hours over this issue with Senator John McCain.  This same "O" qualifying issue, it is reported is currently before 6 or 8 State Courts, including, California, however, the most important one may be the one in Hawaii as the "Web Link" below will indicate.
Why, the true reason, did "O" make an "emergency" trip this prior weekend to Hawaii?  And, as reported, following this trip, last Monday the Governor of Hawaii declares "O's" hospital birth records, or "certificate of live birth" sealed (which ever of 2 Hawaii hospitals family members declare he was born in).  Could it be the reason "O" and Joe are telling people to get out and vote early because they are so aware this information may finally break in the national news media and fewer people will be able to change their minds on their vote?
And, is this the reason so many of the Brits are laughing because, they know that in Kenya, as part of the British Commonwealth, news there among Obama family members and citizens (and, as reported, documented in Mombasa hospital records) that "O" was born there.