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$5 Million for Gingrich PAC from Netanyahu's Billionaire Pal Sheldon Adelson

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Jan. 11, 2012

The Jews, I find, are very selfish...


 When they have power, physical or

 political, neither Hitler nor Stalin

 has anything on them for cruelty or

 mistreatment to the underdog."


        — President Harry Truman

         Personal Diary, July 21, 1947



"I want the Germans to start bombing London

 as early as possible  because this will bring

 the Americans into the war, when they see

 the Nazis' frightfulness [Greer Garson as

Mrs Miniver? ] and, above all, it will put an
end to this awkward  and inconvenient peace
movement that's afoot in my own Cabinet and
among the British population."
                                — Churchill


                               Spoken to Joseph P. Kennedy,

                               US Ambassador to Britain




"Germany's unforgivable crime before the Second

 World War  was  her attempt  to extricate  her

 economic power from the world's trading system

and to create her own exchange mechanism,
which would deny the world finance its
opportunity to profit."


                                 — Churchill

                               Spoken to Lord Robert Boothby,

                               as quoted in Sidney Rogerson’s

                               "Propaganda In The Next War",

                               Foreword to the second edition, 2001




"You must understand that this war is not

 against Hitler or National-Socialism, but

 against the strength of the German people,

 which is to be smashed once and for all,

 regardless of whether it is in the hands

 of Hitler or a Jesuit priest."      

                             — Churchill


            From "Winston Churchill, His Career in

           War and Peace"  by Emrys Hughes, page 145




"Have we escaped a Pax Germanica only to fall

  into a Pax Judaica?"       

                   — The Times of London,  8th May, 1920


                        (Nearly 90 years before take-over of the

                           Times by the Rupert Murdoch)
Is someone paying all those "occupiers" who disrupt Mitt Romney appearances but  never Gingrich rallies?   Are these the same "activists" they pay to become window-breaking "Anarchists" in ski masks at anti-WTO and "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations? .
Sheldon and Benny
Billionaire Sheldon Adelson owns a big casino in Behlehem, Israel.


Israeli billionaire Sheldon Adelson gives $5 million to pro-Gingrich group

Dual-citizenship billionaire and close ally of Israeli PM Netanyahu makes contribution to super PAC named 'Winning Our Future'; has previously supported Gingrich's claim that Palestinians are 'invented people.'


 CNN’s exclusive release today of Newt’s 1980 divorce papers,

Leonard H. “Kip” Carter, a former close Gingrich friend, backed the contention that it was Newt Gingrich who wanted the divorce.

“He (Gingrich) said, ‘You know and I know that she’s not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of a president,’ ” Carter, who now lives in South Carolina, told CNN recently, relating the conversation he had with Gingrich the day Gingrich revealed he was filing for divorce. Carter served as treasurer of Gingrich’s first congressional campaigns.

Carter, who was a fellow history professor when Gingrich taught at West Georgia College in Carrollton, said he broke off his friendship with Newt Gingrich because of the congressman’s treatment of his wife during the divorce.

Asked in an e-mail whether that conversation in 1980 occurred the way that Carter recounted, Gingrich spokesman Hammond did not respond.


Gingrich has been married three times. In 1962, he married Jackie Battley.  Gingrich and Battley have two daughters from their marriage. In the spring of 1980, Gingrich left Battley after beginning an affair with Marianne Ginther.  In 1984, Battley told The Washington Post that the divorce was a "complete surprise" to her. According to Battley, in September 1980, Gingrich and their children visited her while she was in the hospital, recovering from surgery, and Gingrich wanted to discuss the terms of their divorce.  Court documents obtained by CNN from Carroll County, Georgia, indicated that Jackie had asked a judge to block the process stating that although "she has adequate and ample grounds for divorce... she does not desire one at this time [and] does not admit that this marriage is irretrievably broken.  According to L. H. Carter, Gingrich's campaign treasurer, Gingrich said of Battley: "She's not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of the President. And besides, she has cancer."

"We support Ron Paul,  the only alternative anyone need consider."

American billionaire Sheldon Adelson, close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and owner of the Israeli daily Israel Hayom, has given $5 million to an independent group backing Newt Gingrich's presidential bid.


A person familiar with the situation said Adelson — founder and majority owner of Las Vegas-based company that owns Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem  — made the contribution Friday to Winning Our Future, a pro-Gingrich super PAC.

"Here's another one. How many populists does it take to change a light bulb?"