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Ron Paul Didn't Expect To Hear THIS!!

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March 5, 2012

This is perhaps, the only right thing that Hillary has ever said...

This is America if you dont vote Ron Paul: Vote to Change the Path

While this may be more true than we want to admit, if you are offended by 4 letter words Just skip this one.

I have learned more from listening to Ron Paul explain what the United States is supposed to be, in three weeks, than I learned the entire 12 years I attended public school. Dr. Paul, thanks for waking me up. You have my vote. And, will to try to share a clear vision of freedom, and liberty, in America, with as many as I can, before the election. Dr. Paul, thanks for fighting for the average American person. Thanks for not pawning your soul to to a big corporation, for 30 shekels of silver.

Ron Paul on Jay Leno 12/16/11 - Amazing!

Ron Paul Donations EXPLODING! (3:06)

Ron Paul 2012 - Banned Commercial (I wonder why?) (1:19)

Ron Paul Is A Hero to ALLPeople (Except Banksters!!!)