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Ron Paul Idaho Team Welcomes Romney Family Members as Surrogate Caucus Speakers

Press Release- Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

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Mrch 5, 2012


2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul was endorsed today by several members of the Romney family, indeed those related to fellow Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Ty Romney is an attorney handling property and liability claims for State Farm Mutual in Great Falls, Montana and received his Bachelors of Arts Degree from the University of Utah and his Juris Doctorate Degree from Seattle University School of Law. He is an active member of the Idaho State Bar Association.

Ty said, "Ron Paul is honest. It's time to take a stand for honesty. It doesn't matter whether the truth is popular or not, I know that Ron Paul will always maintain a true principle and I endorse that degree of integrity."

Travis Romney is a chiropractor based in Spokane, Washington, and will be speaking at the Greyhound Park caucus location in Kootenai County. With his dad a second cousin to Mitt Romney, Travis is a second cousin once removed.

“I support Ron Paul because he defends the Constitution, loves America and understands what it means to be an American, including the right to live your life any way you want as long as you respect others,” said Travis. He continued, “I love his foreign policy of maintaining peace and trade while making a strong national defense a top priority, and that you only go to war legally through a declaration by the people through their elected representatives.”

Also sharing common ancestry, Chad Romney resides in the Boise area and will be speaking at the Glenns Ferry caucus location in Elmore County.

Jared Romney, out of Salt Lake City, said his grandfather is a first cousin with former Michigan Governor George Romney, the father of Mitt Romney, and stated, “It really comes down to Ron Paul championing the ideas of the Constitution, in how he lives it, understanding we must return to and follow its guiding principles. He also understands we must reign in the Federal Reserve System which is destroying our economy.”

Troy Romney also lives in Salt Lake City and is a University of Utah student, and will be speaking at the Montpelier caucus location in Bear Lake County. Troy’s grandfather and George Romney are cousins as well. Troy said he supports Ron Paul because “he stands for the values and principles America was founded upon.”

These family member endorsements are preceded by an announcement of support for Ron Paul by Rick Santorum’s nephew, John Garver.

Concerning the active “Latter-day Saints for Ron Paul” coalition, this announcement follows the high-profile endorsements of President Jonathan Johnson, prominent author and chair of the Utah Tenth Amendment Center Connor Boyack, and that of Utah Republican Liberty Caucus Chair Darcy Van Orden.

All such announcements help present Ron Paul as the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney and demonstrate that no presidential candidate has a monopoly on this crucial western states voter segment or even, for that matter, the Romney family.

As a function of this announcement, the above-mentioned persons now are members of the “Latter-day Saints for Ron Paul” nationwide coalition.

As a first basic step, those wanting to join the active “Latter-day Saints for Ron Paul” nationwide coalition should complete the Idaho state coalition sign-up form visit the official national coalition web page by clicking here.

Authorized and paid for by Ron Paul 2012 PCC Inc.