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New Obama ad slams... Sarah Palin?

Grassfire Nation Update

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March 12, 2012

Liberty News is reporting that a new ad from the Obama team is going after.... Sarah Palin and the "Far Right."

Go here to read about Obama's outrageous attack and see the ad.

As Liberty News' Eric Odom points out, the Obama team attacks Palin for daring to point out that Obama is using class warfare and racial politics. "This is the corner Obama has had us in for years," says Odom. "We try to call him out on his racially driven, radical positions and in return we’re smeared as using 'dangerous attacks' against him."

The Obama team has perfected the art of turning their greatest liability into a counter-attack. This is precisely what Obama did when he realized his statist assault on our rights through onerous HHS mandates had been exposed. Instead of admitting his error and correcting the wrong, Obama "doubled-down" (language he often uses), made the edicts even worse, and then launched a propaganda campaign alleging a GOP "War On Women."

+ + Romney, Gingrich portrayed as naked pregnant women

Over the past week, it's as if the entire Left Establishment has been engaged in this "GOP War On Women" campaign. Even the materials they are producing look exactly like wartime propaganda.

One poster mockingly portrays the GOP candidates as unclothed pregnant women who are "setting women's rights back 400 years." Another shows Lady Liberty asleep while the Republicans wage a war on women.

Go here to see some examples of the Left's outrageous "Republican War On Women" propaganda campaign.

Also, take a moment to sign the Defending Rights Of Conscience Petition and also stand against the Left's outrageous "GOP War On Woman" propaganda campaign.

Countering this endless stream of propaganda from the Left will require diligence and determination. This is precisely why Grassfire Nation launched our own Tea Party-sourced news outlet -- Liberty News. We have assembled a team of patriotic news reporters and bloggers who are creating some of the best content on the web to counter the Left's liberal assault.

I encourage you to take a close look at Liberty News right now -- and then make this your "home page" in your web browser.

Thank you or the stand you are taking.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation


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