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Nazi Continuum

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March 26, 2012

This is something we all must consider this coming November.  It is time vote all incumbent congress critters out of office and reform the corrupt system of lobbying and the revolving door these thieves and liars use to their own advantage and to perpetuate the constant state of war we have lived in our entire lives.  Yes all 62 years so far.

"John Kerry and John McCain's love for sending young poor Americans to their deaths in foreign nations and spending American tax money to destabilize countries around the world is not an anomalous convergence of some political ideal, but rather the result of absolute, naked corporate fascism and psychopathy overrunning America's political institutions and co-opting politicians of inferior human character. (Psychopaths)

As in Nazi Germany, this unchecked power, not foreign enemies, presents the gravest risk to national security imaginable. Those that serve this system and fail to speak out against it, and worse yet, willingly collaborate with it, are America's true enemies and a self-evident threat the American people can no longer afford to tolerate."

----- Original Message -----

From: UU


Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 1:16 AM

Subject: nazi continuum