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Mitt Romney Finally Admits What We All Knew: They 'Had to Steal the Republican Nomination' from Ron Paul

Kimberly Paxton

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Jan. 22, 2014


Replace the word 'They', with 'jew', and the article is mildly interesting.  "Even if Ron Paul had  gotten the nomination, he would have been a lame-duck president for his entire tenure".

The United States Government is rUn by the most vile, jew-demon-dwarfs, that have ever walked this earth, who no doubt visited Ron Paul in his younger years for purposes of letting him know that he could continue to share his idealistic, "wishful thinking personal views, hopes, and dreams", with the goyim cattle, but would never be allowed to do anything substantive about them. Neither Ron Paul, nor his supporters, were ever allowed to get any real political clout or traction for their ideas, because both Ron Paul and his supporters were used by Organized Jewry as populist noise, to give a certain cross section of America, the notion, and hope, that things could actually change for the better if Ron Paul were President, which the jews knew would never happen, so he was never really  a threat to their goals, control, or power base.


A new documentary about the life of Mitt Romney reveals a loosely hidden truth: Romney and his followers “had to steal” the Republican nomination from Dr. Ron Paul during the 2012 Presidential Elections.

The documentary, called “Mitt“, was aired at the Sundance Film Festival. Near the end, Romney states:

“In some ways we kind of had to steal the Republican nomination. Our party is Southern, evangelical, and populist. And you’re Northern, and you’re a Mormon, and you’re rich.  And these do not match well with our party.”

Tell us something we didn’t know.

Dr. Paul, a true Patriot, was a threat to the establishment. Can you imagine what would have happened if he’d been elected and immediately audited the Federal Reserve? The Fed’s dirty little secret would have been revealed, and it would have been shut down, causing all sorts of hullabaloo in Crony-land.

Many people criticize those who refuse to vote, saying that their abstinence is part of the problem. But when the elections are completely rigged, and your vote doesn’t matter, why would you participate in such a sham? Voting under these circumstances implies consent to be governed.

As the old saying goes, “If voting actually changed anything, they’d make it illegal.”

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by Kimberly Paxton of

Kimberly Paxton, a staff writer for The Daily Sheeple, is based out of upstate New York. You can follow Kimberly on Facebook and Twitter.

This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to

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A new documentary about the life of Mitt Romney reveals a loosely hidden truth: Romney and his followers “had to steal” the Republican nomination from Dr. Ron Paul during the 2012 Presidential Elections.

The documentary, called “Mitt“, was aired at the Sundance Film Festival. Near the end, Romney states:

“In some ways we kind of had to steal the Republican nomination. Our party is Southern, evangelical, and populist. And you’re Northern, and you’re a Mormon, and you’re rich.  And these do not match well with our party.”

Tell us something we didn’t know.

Dr. Paul, a true Patriot, was a threat to the establishment. Can you imagine what would have happened if he’d been elected and immediately audited the Federal Reserve? The Fed’s dirty little secret would have been revealed, and it would have been shut down, causing all sorts of hullabaloo in Crony-land.

Many people criticize those who refuse to vote, saying that their abstinence is part of the problem. But when the elections are completely rigged, and your vote doesn’t matter, why would you participate in such a sham? Voting under these circumstances implies consent to be governed.

As the old saying goes, “If voting actually changed anything, they’d make it illegal.”

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by Kimberly Paxton of

Kimberly Paxton, a staff writer for The Daily Sheeple, is based out of upstate New York. You can follow Kimberly on Facebook and Twitter.

This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to

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