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From:Katherin Clemmence


Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 12:51 PM

Subject: Casper: What are you doing fellow patriot?

I wish there was something I could do!

What do you need other than money? I have been unemployed for over a year.

When I was in college I learned about all the lies of the Viet Nam war from returning soldiers. Since that time I kept up with conspiracy information (along the same lines as Four Wind), over all these years. I am 65.

Do you need anyone who can do research, write/edit, prepare newsletters, prepare reports, create filing systems, etc.? I want to be a part of this effort so please let me know what you need. I am just an ordinary citizen, worked my whole life (Boeing in Seattle) learned about the lies, naturopathic medicine and spirituality 30+ years ago and find little to be surprised about on Four Winds. It is refreshing to see so many people finally “waking up” now. But, I still do not know what to “DO”. I do not channel, know no one in high places, have no political or military contacts and my circle of friends is very small.

Could it be, Obama and his gang believe they can be very blatant in their efforts to destroy our country because they feel unstoppable? Indeed, on the surface, this seems to be true. If all we create to oppose them consists of writing letters, signing petitions, marching, stomping our feet, etc., then they are right. Public opinion does not matter to these criminals. Did protestors stop Bush’s war or the health care law? Now that wonderful people like you are doing a better job of getting the word out and the truth in front of people what will empower us and get us moving, organized, etc. We need to come up with something before they shut the internet down. Does Casper have any ideas?

Thank you.


(Reply from Casper)

----- Original Message -----
From: Casper
To: Katherine, Hobie and Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 10:56 AM
Subject: Casper: What are you doing fellow patriot?
For Katherin Clemmence, Hobie and Bellringer. 
The simple Billboard Idea of 'Where's the Birth Certificate' has 50% of Americans now asking the same question. The simplest idea can sometimes be the most effective. If it is bi-partisan then all the better, you really have something. I suggest the phrase/slogan "WHEN IN DOUBT THROW THEM OUT" is marketable and should/could be promoted. It is bi-partisan, simple enough for bumper stickers or t-shirts. Perhaps Fourwinds and RMN could promote this and sell items to raise operating capital. For this they would need an 'administrator' such as yourself Katherine. A person 'ordering' such a Bumper Sticker/t shirt is likely to send along a 'contribution' as well. This message would not 'wear out' with the mid-term elections. Arrangements to 'drop ship' could be made so that it is not necessary to 'handle' the merchandise. An 800# could be provided for ordering with a Credit Card with the 'standard closing question', "would you like to make a contribution to--- ????".  You could allow/encourage other web-sites to 'promote/offer for sale' also with an administrative method of 'crediting' the sale and a portion of the revenue to them. Assuming we receive in the next few hours/days as expected any needed funds would be immediately available from 'contributors' such as myself. The primary motivation should be, I think, the message itself which would allow all Americans to participate in 'saving their country'.  
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Casper, Katherin and Hobie
DATE:  Sept. 8, 2010
Dear Casper, Katherin and Hobie:
    It is not possible for Anne and me to take on greater obligations at this time, as we are struggling to keep Fourwinds online, but we are open to someone, such as Katherin, who would carry this project forward.  We could help by promoting it on Fourwinds.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer