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Jesse Ventura: US should abolish inherently corrupt political parties

David Edwards and Ron Brynaert

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“Win if you can, lose if you must, but ALWAYS cheat,” Jesse “The Body” Ventura infamously said in his days as a wrestling villain, but Tuesday night he blasted such Machiavellian philosophies.

Ventura told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he wouldn’t vote for his former employer Linda McMahon in her bid to become Senator even if he could “[b]ecause i don’t vote for Democrats or Republicans. If she ran as an independent, she could possibly get my endorsement. But I refuse.”

Ventura added, “I no longer support the third party movement.”

“Why not?” the ABC interviewer asked.

Ventura elaborated, “I believe the system is so corrupt, the two parties have corrupted it so bad, that any thirty party, in which to be successful, will likewise have to corrupt itself. If you already have a two-headed monster, why would you need three?”

The answer is “to abolish parties,” Ventura added. “Do not put a name of a party below the person’s name on the ballot. It’s too easy to say, I’m a Republican. And you walk in: Republican, Republican, Republican. You’re voting the party, not the person. And that’s the way it’s all set up.”

Ventura also appeared on CNN Tuesday night, telling Larry King (video at this link) why he enjoys hosting his “Conspiracy Theory” show, “I love to attack our government.”


Full story here.

Oct. 13, 2010