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Man fired for Bush sweatshirt at Obama rally

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Wearing a Bush sweatshirt and cap has gotten a man fired from his work building a stage for an Obama rally.

But the Bush on the clothing worn by Duane Hammond had nothing to do with politics; it honors USS George H.W. Bush, the 10th and final Nimitz-class supercarrier in the U.S. Navy, and those, including Hammond's son, who are serving America on that ship.

According to a report by KTLA-TV in Los Angeles, the union stagehand was working on the platform of an Obama event in the city, and he was not making any political statement.

But Hammond told the station his union supervisor told him to take off the sweatshirt or turn it inside, or he would be sent home.

Read the real story of southeast Asia, in "Ride the Thunder: A Vietnam War Story of Honor and Triumph"

He refused and was told he was fired.

WND Exclusive


Man fired for Bush sweatshirt at Obama rally

Even though son in Navy serving on aircraft carrier named for 41st president

Posted: October 25, 2010

9:30 pm Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

USS George H.W. Bush

Wearing a Bush sweatshirt and cap has gotten a man fired from his work building a stage for an Obama rally.

But the Bush on the clothing worn by Duane Hammond had nothing to do with politics; it honors USS George H.W. Bush, the 10th and final Nimitz-class supercarrier in the U.S. Navy, and those, including Hammond's son, who are serving America on that ship.

According to a report by KTLA-TV in Los Angeles, the union stagehand was working on the platform of an Obama event in the city, and he was not making any political statement.

But Hammond told the station his union supervisor told him to take off the sweatshirt or turn it inside, or he would be sent home.

Read the real story of southeast Asia, in "Ride the Thunder: A Vietnam War Story of Honor and Triumph"

He refused and was told he was fired.

(Story continues below)


Hammond explained his son has been in the service of his country for three years already.

"He's serving proudly. I'm wearing his flag so to speak."

USS George H.W. Bush cap (KTLA image)

"Because it said Bush I was told to go home and either turn my sweatshirt inside out," said Hammond. "But first they made me take off my hat."

At, a forum page participant identified as dambama said, "The left is showing everyday that it will not tolerate free speech from its own members either. We always knew they work overtime to deny conservatives freedom of speech. Now we see them going after their own, like freaking cannibals!"

A second forum participant suggested unions may be part of the problem, not the solution.

"From 1999 to 2009, right-to-work states have added 1.5 million private sector jobs for a 3.7 percent increase," he wrote. "States which are not right-to-work lost 1.8 million jobs over the same decade, for a decline of 2.3 percent."

KTLA's report from online:

James Wright, a union official with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Union Local 33, says the case is under investigation, but if Hammond was sent home for wearing the Bush clothing, he'll still be paid.

The carrier, built by Northrop Grumman Newport News, was assembled from 2001-2009 at a cost of $6.2 billion and docks at Naval Station Norfolk. Va.

"If only unions were as passionate about quality education as they are about politics," said a commentary at

Oct. 25, 2010