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Letter to a Senator

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I recently received a request for a contribution for someone running for the US Senate. I responded knowing that the chances that she would ever see my email would be about equal to having a meteor of pure gold land in my yard but I felt better after I sent it any way, this is what I said……


I will donate to your campaign contingent upon one item, I would like you to explain to me why any nation should be required to borrow money from people that create it out of thin air and offer nothing of value in return, explain to me why this is in the best interest of humanity. When you state that you will fight to avoid a huge tax increase I can’t help but to realize that you are contributing to the perpetuation of the myth that governmental debt is necessary, and that the only option is to attempt to work within this debt riddled monetary system that is controlled by the owners of the Federal Reserve System.

I wonder what would happen if a candidate running for office actually uttered these words…

If you elect me I will attempt to eradicate the foreign interests that have embedded themselves into the US government under the guise of the Federal Reserve Banking system. I will do my utmost to inform the general population of the limitations imposed upon our prosperity as the result of this privately owned debt based money cartel. I will be relentless in my pursuit of eradicating this scourge from our society and if successful the level of prosperity that will be possible will be unequaled in human history.

I will not be afraid to point out the deception that is ongoing every day in the mainstream media, educational system, and governmental propaganda machine. I will work relentlessly towards the pursuit of regaining control of our money supply by reverting back to the principles as expressed in the US Constitution; I will resurrect the awareness of the issue of ongoing financial manipulation by people that are positioned outside the reach of law within our land. I will expose those that desire to grant the Federal Reserve arbitrary regulatory authority over both financial and non-financial intuitions by bringing these people to the forefront of the discussions, and they will be cornered into explaining their fundamental beliefs while justifying why they think it is necessary for the US population to have a government that allows itself to be subservient to those that control the creation of money…..

Anyway, this madness has gone on long enough, if what I described here seems way off base to you or if you are not willing to make the effort required to remedy this situation then you should not be running for office. You are not qualified and the only person that might benefit from having you in office will be you, and you will serve the interests of the general population inadequately. You will end up as most in government do, unaware, inept, and self-serving.