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he TRUE Law's of God and The Creation.  
In his 2008 bid for president of the United States, (see video below) Mike Huckabee appeared proud to be the only Republican candidate on the stage who, as Governor of Arkansas, "legally" murdered (executed) human beings.  "I did it more than any other governor had to do it in my state", he boasted.  In the second video below, Mr. Huckabee reaffirms his murderous intent (violation of God's Law) by calling for the execution of person(s) who leaked secret CIA documents to WikiLeaks.  In essence, Mr. Huckabee likes "playing God" by reinterpreting God's Law in order to murder people instead of incarcerating them.  Its a choice he has made and it happens to be the wrong choice.  Through his past actions, he is responsible and accountable to his Creator God for breaking arguably the most serious of God's Laws: YOU SHALL NOT MURDER YOUR FELLOW MAN.  God's Laws are absolute; there is no room for man's reinterpreting of rewriting them, and Mr. Huckabee, above all people, should know that.  You are either for God and His Laws or you are against God; you can't have both ways. 
Mike Huckabee is not alone in defying God's Laws; most, if not all, people running for that office will support man's right to "legally" murder his fellow human beings, whether it is men in prison, Sovereign men, women and children in Mideast countries or the unborn children of God.  Like Mr. Huckabee, they are either in ignorance or in defiance of God's Law.  Either way, it is against God and mankind and, therefore, they who do not follow the Law's of God and The Creation are not fit to hold the office of president of the United States or any other public office in America.   
Phoenix Journal 27, THE PHOENIX OPERATOR-OWNER MANUAL is written by Jesus Sananda, Lord Michael, and St. Germain and authorized by Creator God, Aton.  It states the following regarding God's Law #7.
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In the Bible of the "so-called" Christians, this law is written simply as "Thou Shalt Not Kill" which leaves room for misunderstanding of interpretation.  What this law means is you shall not WISH death upon another human being of God in YOUR THOUGHTS as well as you shall not commit physical murder of another human.
This rule does not mean you cannot defend yourself and your family if your lives are threatened, because that is SUICIDE which is SELF-MURDER and so also against God's laws.  You must not ever choose suicide of your body because you feel worthless and "can't" go on, because your dishonor the life-force of God within you.  Only God within you must decide the end of a physical life-stream.  That time will only come when your purpose and mission is accomplished so that the process and Divine Plan of God for your spiritual growth will not be interrupted.  The remorse of the soul is oftentimes much greater AFTER the suicide of the body is accomplished than in the perceived "altered" ego illusion of suffering BEFORE the lifestream is terminated.
Just remember that when you honor God within yourself and ALL THAT IS and you truly understand the laws of balance given by our DIVINE HOLY ONE, you would never consider the self-punishment of suicide.  You will simply CHERISH every living breath you take in the Gift of LIFE of God and The Creation!
Oh yes, and for those of you who label yourselves "Feminists" and "Pro-Choice" which usually means PRO-MURDER of one of GOD'S children, remember this" THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTAL PREGNANCIES.  If you become pregnant, which is being the vehicle for one of God's new creations.  CHOOSING an abortion because of YOUR selfish and irresponsible sexual behavior IS STILL MURDER any way you look at it.  Remember you each are given, along with your "Free Will", PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for all of your thoughts, words, deeds and actions.  There are definitely many possibly undesirable "effects" to illicit and wanton, lustful sexual activity.  Pregnancy and Disease are two obvious results which do and have occurred more often than not.
Now, IF a woman is forcefully and violently RAPED against her will and becomes pregnant, then SHE must commune with God within her as to whether or not HE will terminate the pregnancy.  So it will not be HER "altered" ego choice or will but THE FATHER'S WILL WITHIN HER WILL BE DONE.  No ONE else will make this decision for HER, ONLY THE FATHER WITHIN HER!
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Mike Huckabee Life, Death & Jesus


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Mike Huckabee Calls for Execution Over WikiLeaks Documents
Rocky Montana