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MOSSAD MAYOR: Chicago's Rahm Emanuel

Capt. Eric H. May, Intelligence Ediro The Lone Star Iconoclast

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11 (NLE 2011).

I don't like Rahmbo, and here's why:

  • His father was a member of Israel's Irgun terror gang.
  • In the First Gulf War, he left the U.S. to serve his country, Israel.
  • One of his goals is the creation of a national Homeland Security service academy.
  • He once stated: "You don't ever want a crisis to go to waste; it's an opportunity to do important things that you would otherwise avoid."
  • Chicago journalist Sherman Skolnick, whose work was thorough, believed that Emanuel was a Mossad mole.

I believe that he is a Mossad mayor now, who has no interest in serving Chicago. Like Blago and Daley before him, his part in the stage of state is to sabotage the city. It was nearly done five years ago: Plot Foiled: Chicago Cops Dodge Blagojevich/Sears Tower Investigation,

A patriot wrote:

I just read your concise article, Insidious Israel vs. Emerging Egypt,

I commend you, although I hope your concern about another Israeli false flag attack is wrong. Still, it is entirely feasible. False flags are what they do, and do best.

I have read your work, and have been meaning to touch base with you, so I was glad to receive your article from Dr. Fred Toben. I love my Country, Captain May, and am horrified and frightened by what I see happening. I certainly hope we can turn things around, and I thank you for your past and continuing efforts.

Reply to a patriot

Thanks for your kind email. Like you I hope that my false flag analysis is wide of the mark. Unfortunately, false flag forecasting isn't so very difficult, once we accept that both foreign treachery and domestic treason are natural and inevitable consequences of government, curable only by occasional revolutions. So the United States Founders, like revolutionary George Washington, believed.

Both foreign and seditious conspirators need to communicate secretly. This is as true now as it was in the Founders' era as it was in Cicero's Rome or Akhenaten's Egypt. It helps to understand the Cabal code, which stems from Cabala and passes through Freemasonry. It's embedded in mass media and in the substratum of numbers that are all around us, all the time.

Take the calendar, for example: If it conceals an all-important timetable, then my bold argument that we are surrounded by Cabala becomes as easy to accept as the common opinion that we were led to war by a Cabal.

Overt Calendar & Covert Schedule
(omit zeros to decode)
  • 10/12/2000 (1122) -- Al Qaeda attacks USS Cole.
  • 9/11/2001 (911) -- Al Qaeda demolishes Twin Towers.
  • 3/20/2003 (3223) -- U.S. Invades Iraq.
  • 3/11/2004 (311) -- Al Qaeda bombs Madrid.
  • 3/30/2004 (33) -- BP Texas City refinery explodes.*
Decoded, it's a master schedule:

  • Between the Cole and the Towers: 333 days.
  • Between the Towers and the War: 555 days.
  • Between the Towers and Madrid: 911 days.
  • Between the Towers and Texas: 930 (93) days.*

*i was the unidentified source of the intelligence that resulted a Gulf Coast terror alert:  BP Amoco Plant Explosion Investigation Under Way, For the real story behind the cover story: Thwarting Nuclear Terror in Texas: Investigation,

+ + +

Feb. 23, 2011