Why is the Media Ignoring this Presidential Candidate? A Personal Interview
Dr. Mercola
In the recent Iowa Straw Poll Michelle Bachman came in first. That fact was reported by most of the national media. However, in an incredible display of conformity bias, virtually all of the major media blacked out the fact that Rep. Ron Paul came in a virtual tie with her. There was less than 1 percent difference between them, yet he was completely ignored by all the major media.
“The glaring hypocrisy of the "lamestream media" commentators in pretending to be objectively reporting on the event while blatantly censoring Ron Paul out of existence was too much for liberal comedian/commentator Jon Stewart of Comedy Central's in a recent episode of The Daily Show.
In the last video above, Ron Paul explains his positions to Judy Woodruff, including his stance on raw milk, which comes up at 10:03 in the interview.
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
Aug. 28, 2011
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