The new 'dirty word' in politics
Grassfire Nation Update
There's a new "dirty word" in politics -- clear
evidence that the Left's attack strategy is
working. Please see below for a crucial update.
The attacks against the Tea Party are unrelenting.
The latest comes from actress Eva Longoria who spoke of the
new "extremist movement" that is "very dangerous" and is
"not the character of America."
Who are these "dangerous" "extremists"? The Tea Party,
of course.
This comes just days after Morgan Freeman blasted the Tea
Party as "racist" and the "dark, underside of America."
+ + Tea Party is the new "dirty word" in politics
Sadly, these attacks from the Left are working. "Tea Party"
has become the new "dirty word" in politics. In fact, The
New York Times reports that the number of people with an
"unfavorable" opinion of the Tea Party has more than doubled
in the past 18 months. Even worse, according to the Times:
"The Tea Party ranks lower than any of the 23
other groups we asked about... It is even less
popular than much maligned groups like 'atheists'
and 'Muslims.'"
The fact is, the Left's Anti-Tea Party campaign is catching
on and the political ramifications could be enormous in 2012.
This is the heart and soul of the Left's strategy over the
next 14 months -- they cannot defeat the ideals of liberty
and limited government so they must create a negative
stereotype about the "Tea Party." And they are using the
liberal media and celebrity spokespersons to get their
message out.
+ + Will you help stop these Anti-Tea Party attacks?
Grassfire Nation recently launched a nationwide Petition
to rally citizens to stand with the Tea Party against
these hostile attacks. Already, tens of thousands have
signed, but we must have hundreds of thousands.
Our records show that you have not
yet taken a stand with other citizens against
these outrageous Anti-Tea Party attacks. Can we
count on you to do so right now? Go here:
+ + Two Free Gifts when you take a stand
As our way of saying thanks for signing Grassfire Nation's
petition against the Anti-Tea Party assault, we will send
you two of our new "I Am The Tea Party" key ring tags --
one to keep and one to share.
The front side boldly states, "I Am The Tea Party," while
the reverse features the "Don't Tread On Me" flag which
has become the symbol of our movement.
With these key tags, you can carry a powerful
symbol of the Tea Party movement with you in
your hands every day -- and it's our gift to
you. Go here:
Again... The Left is on the attack. We want to send you two
free gifts when you stand against these anti-Tea Party attacks.
Thanks for taking a stand.
Grassfire Nation
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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+ + + + +
Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a
million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is
dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real
impact on the key issues of our day.
Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.
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