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Five more years of Obama and Reid?

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action


      Can America survive another five years of the

      Obama Administration if he wins in 2012 and is

      handed another less-than-conservative Congress

      for his second term?  I shudder at the thought! 


      Liberty Counsel Action is launching new strategies

      designed to dramatically impact the 2012 elections.

      We want to empower you to greatly increase your own

      personal influence on our political system and culture!

      Please read my important update and offer below - Mat.              


President Obama continues to employ "czars" and channel his

socialist agenda through federal agencies, all the while

sidestepping Congress and subverting the checks and balances

written into our Constitution.  


      For example, on November 20th, the Federal Communications

      Commission will get a stranglehold on the Internet through

      a cloaked initiative called "Net Neutrality." This is a

      classic Obama-style liberal takeover!    


President Obama knows he cannot get his radical agenda through

Congress - especially now that Republicans control the House

of Representatives.  And increasingly, Democrat Senators are

reluctant to be identified with the Obama band wagon. 


      Sadly, President Obama is demonstrating that it will

      take a MUCH more conservative Congress to stop his

      subversive strategies.  I'm sure you agree that we

      simply cannot drift back toward leftist domination

      of the Executive Branch and both Houses of Congress!


++I believe this is the most important election in our lifetime.


As I've asked before.Can you imagine

America once again under the leftist tyranny we experienced

in 2008 through 2010?  It could happen in 2012 unless

grassroots conservative Americans fully engage in the

political process. And we must be informed voters if we

are to be effectively engaged! 


      The midterm 2010 elections confirmed that economic,

      pro-life, and pro-family issues were the most important

      topics on the minds of America's voters.


That makes America's pro-moral voters a key voting bloc, and

makes it even more important that each of us vote intelligently

and maximize our impact on the political process!


      In our new Liberty Counsel Action Congressional Scorecard,

      we address core conservative issues and examine the actual

      voting records of our elected representatives in both

      Houses of Congress. I hope you will order and effectively

      use this vital tool!


Again, LCA is now offering you a powerful new tool to greatly

increase your personal impact on our nation's political process!


      This informative guide provides a benchmark for you to use

      when comparing the records of incumbent legislators to their

      campaign promises.and the promises of those who will be

      running against them. 


With the LCA Congressional Scorecard, you can look past campaign

rhetoric and "spin" directly into the votes of those holding

legislative office. And this valuable tool can enable you to

quickly get a Senator's or Representative's "feet to the fire"

if he or she has been waffling on their promises! 


Click here to order your complimentary LCA Congressional Scorecard:


The Scorecard will be mailed to you without delay and updated

quarterly until the 2012 elections. 


Getting this Scorecard into the hands of as many voters as

possible will take a huge grassroots effort.  As you know,

it will take millions of informed voters to curb the socialist

infiltration our government has experienced and reset America

on a right course!


 I am counting on you to help in three ways:


      FIRST, order your own Congressional Scorecard.


      SECOND, please help this campaign "go viral" by

      posting a link on your Facebook page or simply

      forwarding this message to your friends.


      THIRD, when the time comes - pray and vote!


Your Congressional Scorecard will empower you in your voting

decisions and help you effectively engage those who are

misinformed or are buying into hollow campaign rhetoric.


We will periodically update the Congressional Scorecard as

the election season develops and also plan to offer special

Scorecards on presidential candidates, referendums, and other

key races and issues.


Click here to order your complimentary Congressional Scorecard now:


Patrick, as I have said before, you and I MUST

continue to be a strong, pro-moral voice for conservatism!


Also, as we move further into the all-important 2012 election

cycle, please pray that God will use our collaborative efforts

(that's you and me!) to help right the ship in America.


Together, we will make OUR change in 2012 and "Take Back America"!


God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action


P.S. The LCA Congressional Scorecard is an invaluable tool for

every voting American. Click here to get your complimentary

copy now:



+ + Comments? Questions?


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not tax deductible. For full notice including notices for

individual states, go here.