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Aug. 17, 2016

Last night’s speech on law and order was fairly amazing whether one agrees with him or not. Also making news was his campaign shakeup.

Donald Trump’s campaign just went under another shakeup which HuffPo claims is a remaking in his own image, emphasizing his sinking poll numbers, but it was ignored by Drudge who instead headlined a link to The Washington Times article about Trump’s speech taking on the Milwaukee rioters and our entire system. Paul Manafort, fairly or unfairly, has been linked to $2.2 million in undisclosed payments for lobbying for foreign governments through two DC lobbying firms, which he vehemently denies.  The information comes from the usual undisclosed sources — “people with direct knowledge”. It could be the janitor for all we know.

Just to quickly mention the leadership change at Trump headquarters, pollster Kellyanne Conway, a frequent guest on Fox News, is the new campaign manager, and Breitbart News’s co-founder Stephen Bannon will be campaign chief executive with Paul Manafort and others remaining in place. Manafort maintains his position and his title with all working together according to the campaign.

How this will sit with Independents is unknown.

HuffPo and others think that Trump will fall back on his personality to succeed but his rally last night included a pre-written speech and a teleprompter, unlike his other rallies.

His speech in West Bend, Wisconsin, was a direct appeal to the African-American community whose poorer urban neighborhoods have sunk under Democratic leadership for decades. Milwaukee hasn’t seen a Republican mayor since 1908.

His speech last night will be lambasted by a left-wing media who will not allow Republicans, certainly not Trump, to appeal to their favored base of black supporters. They won them unfairly in the mid-1960s when presidential candidate Barry Goldwater refused to vote for the 1964 Civil Rights Act as it stood because it eroded the Constitution in his opinion.

Trump attempted to turn the tables on Clinton by accusing her of “bigotry” and being “against the police.

She has pandered for votes while at the same time “betrayed the African American community.”

He might be called a racist for this speech since that is the Democrat default position but his appeal wasn’t to the lawless or the Black Lives Matter, it was to the law-abiding African Americans living in these crime-ridden neighborhoods.


“Our job is not to make the rioters comfortable”, he said definitively. There is “no compassion” in accepting crime and violence, he told the crowd.

Trump called the system “rigged” .

The New York billionaire reviewed the horrific statistics on crime and unemployment describing a deplorable school system despite money being poured in. He added that jobs have been taken from these communities because of bad trade deals. He said “I am running to offer you a much better future…at a much better wage.”

The Democrats have done nothing for the African American votes they have come to take for granted he said with statistical evidence to back it up.

Trump said he wants to help those suffering in silence which has been wrought by the Democrat party.

“It’s time for rule by the people, not special interests as we have now.” Every special interest, Wall Street, lobbyists who put that perfect loophole in every single bill, insiders who eliminate competition, journalists who are part of the failed status quo, the political class, all are throwing money at Hillary, but he said, he is fighting “for you.”

Trump will “break that system”, replacing it with a government “of, by and for the people,” he said as he tied Hillary to the establishment.

“Our opponent Hillary would rather protect the offender than the victim,” Trump said.

“The riots and destruction that have taken place in Milwaukee is [sic] an assault on the right of all citizens to live in security and to live in peace,” he said.

Clinton campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri responded with a statement early Wednesday accusing Trump of being the bigot instead.

“With each passing Trump attack, it becomes clearer that his strategy is just to say about Hillary Clinton what’s true of himself. When people started saying he was temperamentally unfit, he called Hillary the same. When his ties to the Kremlin came under scrutiny, he absurdly claimed that Hillary was the one who was too close to Putin. Now he’s accusing her of bigoted remarks — We think the American people will know which candidate is guilty of the charge,” she said.

Hillary Clinton is responsible for the sale of a key US uranium mine to the Russians as well as US technology that can be used for military purposes despite warnings from US Army intelligence and the FBI that it was espionage. She and her husband are also responsible for the sale of US technology to China in the 1990s.

Both Hillary and Obama are behind the Iran deal which allows Iran to build a nuclear bomb in less than ten years, a complete departure from previous policy. Iran is Russian’s ally.

Trump gave his speech in a venue near the inflamed Milwaukee neighborhoods.

“I am running to offer you a much better future,” Mr. Trump said in West Bend, Wisconsin. “Crime and violence is an attack on the poor and it will never be accepted in a Trump administration.”

“The problem in our minority communities is not that there is too much police but that there is not enough police,” he said. “She is against the police, believe me. You know it and I know it and guess what, she knows it.”

Prior attempts by Mr. Trump to reach minority voters focused on failed Democrat policies but this time he pivoted to her character and whether she has their best interests at heart, he particularly questioned her trustworthiness.

The speech was once again a self-portrayal of Trump as a “law and order candidate.” Mayor Rudy Giuliani helped him write the speech. The former New York City mayor is known for turning a crime-ridden city into one of the nation’s safest.

“I will be your fighter. Believe me, I will be your fighter,” Trump said making note of the rising unemployment and food-stamp dependence in minority communities under President Obama.

To parents, he said, “I’m with you, I will fight for you and I will win for you.”

The Hillary campaign and her media outlets will rip him to shreds but it puts him firmly on the side of police and most Americans who are appalled by the criminal behavior in these US cities.

Hillary has snubbed the police unions, refused uniformed police at events, and continually held up police as the cause of the violence in these communities, and she has done all of it to pander for votes.

Governor Walker was also present during the speech. On Sunday, the governor declared a state of emergency in response to the riots and said earlier in the day that Mrs. Clinton’s rhetoric inflammed the situation.

Clinton talked about respect being a two-way street between police and communities after two days in which out-of-control mobs led by the Soros-funded Black Lives Matter committed criminal acts. They burned businesses to the ground, looted, threw rocks and bottles at police and beat up journalists while hunting down white people so they could “beat their sh*t.”

Mrs. Clinton always sides with the hate group Black Lives Matter over police which was not lost on Mr. Trump.

Trump talked about the crime-infested cities that have been destroyed – virtually every single one of them. Again, he fell back on the statistics of police killings and rising crime which he tied to the Democrats and Hillary. “The most pessimistic thing he can imagine,” Trump said, is the “future offered by Hillary Clinton”.

Hillary, he said, wants to offer millions of work permits to illegal immigrants and take jobs from Americans, especially African Americans.

At one point in the speech, he addressed every lawbreaker — “your free reign will come crashing to an end.” Promising to replace Obamacare, rewrite trade laws and restore honor to the government, Trump offered a new way to blow up the corrupt system.

“No one will be above the law,” he said as he decried the special privileges offered Hillary for her crimes. He also wants to stop anyone from benefitting from a spouse’s government position and prevent foreign money from influencing our elections and our policies.

This is our last chance to take back our government which is what these “scared” corrupt people don’t want, he declared.

Donald Trump comes on at 2:28: