Watchdog Group Monitors Virginia Polling Places With Concerns Of Voter Fraud
Jack Davis
As the United State’s electoral process receives new scrutiny in the light of allegations of widespread voter fraud from Project Veritas Action and others, the watchdog group Judicial Watch has said it will put one state to the test.
Due to several concerns that have already been identified, Judicial Watch has chosen to monitor several polling sites in Virginia.
The watchdog group announced that a review of election rolls in eight counties found that 1,046 people on the rolls were not American citizens. Citizenship is required in order to vote, however most states lack a mechanism that forces potential voters to provide proof of citizenship.
According to Judicial Watch, if the rate of non-citizens voting holds true across Virginia, about 6,500 non-citizens are registered to vote in the state.
Research cited by Judicial Watch shows the huge potential for fraud.
“In the 8 jurisdictions that provided us with lists of aliens recently removed from their voter rolls, we discovered that 31 non-citizens had cast a total of 186 votes between 2005 and 2015. The most alien votes were cast in 2012 followed by 2008, the year President Obama was elected to his first term,” reported the Public Interest Legal Foundation and the Virginia Voter’s Alliance.
Referencing a report by the Washington Post, Judicial Watch reported that 19 people who are dead have recently been re-registered to vote in Virginia.
Judicial Watch also noted than 57,923 Virginia voters are registered to vote in other states, according to information from the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program. The program covers 26 states.
“Judicial Watch will monitor voting places in Virginia to expose and deter any voter fraud,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Election Integrity Project Director Robert Popper added, “Judicial Watch election monitors will be neutral and silent observers at select polling places in Virginia. We do not oppose or endorse candidates for public office. Our election monitoring in Virginia is wholly independent of any party or candidate.”
Judicial Watch’s actions come on the heels of comments by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that the election is “rigged.”