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EU Finance Ministers Push Through ESM Treaty in Fishy Fly-by-Night Move

Submitted by The Prudent Investor

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Jan. 24, 2012

EU Finance Ministers Push Through ESM Treaty in Fishy Fly-by-Night Move


Europe's most important treaty on the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), which will lead the EU into a financial dictatorship, has been pushed through by EU finance ministers late Monday evening.

But the latest version of the ESM cannot be found on English and German EU websites. A link on consilium EU only leads to a 'file not found' message and the German EU website "Europa von A - Z" does not mention the ESM at all. This reminds one of the secrecy around the Federal Reserve Act, that was pushed through in 1912. Is the EU Commission now playing the same fishy game 100 years later?

Media reports from last midnight only said that the ESM treaty was agreed on by EU finance ministers and mentioned January 30 as the date when the treaty will be officially signed.

Significant changes have been made, a few media reported.

The capital of the ESM will now be only €80 billion instead of the €700 billion proposed in the only available draft version from July 2011 (see treaty text below). The finance ministers also agreed to bring the ESM into existence one year earlier by July 2012, putting national governments under immense pressure to ratify the ESM treaty without sufficient public discussion.

German state TV ZDF reported shortly after Monday midnight that the fund shall have a financing volume of €500 billion, but this figure is a moving goal post. IMF head Christine Lagarde proposed a volume of €1 trillion whereas Italian prime minister Mario Monti and Austrian finance minister Maria 'Mizzi' Fekter said later that the ESM should be upped to €750 billion. Such important changes cannot be found in publicly released EU documents anywhere on the web. The ESM will be the successor of the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) which lost its AAA rating a few days ago.

It does not exactly reassure Eurozone citizens when European leaders throw around figures between €500 million and €1 Trillion, proving they have no other clue than to fight debt with more debt if the fund is going to be leveraged inthe proposed style.

It all the more troubling that last night's agreement changes have not been communicated by the EU at all. It reminds one of the ACTA act that was signed in a non-public meeting of the Agriculture and Fishing Commission and is designed to destroy the freedom on the internet. As a side note: Anonymous brought down the websites of three Austrian ministries and the Austrian chancellery on Monday evening, protesting that Austria will be one of the first countries to ratify this attack on internet freedom. This was not reported by Austrian state broadcaster ORF.

I have published my objections to the ESM in this post from last December. Nothing has changed since except for the reduction of the proposed capital and the date the treaty shall go into effect. The ESM and its staff will be completely immune and cannot be sued, but can sue itself. This stinks.

Here is a video describing the democratic shortfalls of the ESM treaty in German with English subtitles.



Original Message -----

From: DG


Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 12:52 PM

Subject: Fishy Fly-by-Night Move

This stinks to high heaven?  1913 all over again.  Contract is up on one side of the pond and these pieces of garbage take the other side?  The more things change the more they stay the same