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Photos from a 'Fixed Greece'

Submitted by Tyler Durden

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June 22, 2012

Greece may have a new government that is the same as the old government, but what is important is that it is "fixed".

From the Daily Mail: "Starving Greeks queue for food in their thousands as debt-wracked country finally forms a coalition government":

Starving Greeks queued around the block for free food handouts yesterday as the country's politicians managed to end a crippling stalemate to form a coalition government.


Young children as well as the elderly waited in line in Athens to collect the parcels of fruit and vegetables donated by farmers from Crete to help ease the devastating austerity faced by many Greeks.









Lifeline: Hundreds of poverty-stricken Greeks are queuing for free vegetable handouts as politicians finally agree to form a coalition government

Lifeline: Hundreds of poverty-stricken Greeks are queuing for free vegetable handouts as politicians finally agree to form a coalition government

Desperate: A woman, accompanied by her son, carries a box of vegetables

Desperate: An elderly lady, left, and a woman, accompanied by her son, carries a box of vegetables as thousands of Greeks and foreign immigrants line up during a free vegetables giveaway

Despair: Pensioners joined the lengthy queues behind barriers in Athens where people were waiting for a free food handout

Despair: Pensioners joined the lengthy queues behind barriers in Athens where people were waiting for a free food handout

Hungry: Greeks line up for the food handouts, donated by Crete's farmers

Hungry: Greeks line up for the food handouts, donated by Crete's farmers

Misery: A young mother with her two daughters carries away a box full of vegetables to help feed her family in the debt-stricken country

Misery: A young mother with her two daughters carries away a box full of vegetables to help feed her family in the debt-stricken country


Help: Volunteers hand out boxes of fresh fruit and vegetables donated to hungry Greeks in Athens by farmers from Crete

Help: Volunteers hand out boxes of fresh fruit and vegetables donated to hungry Greeks in Athens by farmers from Crete


Austerity: Many Greeks cannot afford to feed themselves as deep austerity measures imposed by Europe as part of the bailout agreement take their toll

Austerity: Many Greeks cannot afford to feed themselves as deep austerity measures imposed by Europe as part of the bailout agreement take their toll