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Europe Is Sliding Back Into Its Own Past

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July 13, 2012

Good article…………  TL

“shock doctrine and disaster capitalism………..entire constitutions may need to be "restructured"…….

Europe is burning from both sides, either of which will be sufficient to burn it down to the ground in its present state. And Europe is rotting at the core, gutting its societies for the benefit of the stakeholders in its banking sector, the majority of whom are global financial institutions…..Europe, like America, is stuck on a one-dimensional dead end highway to nowhere at all…….So where are we going to go from here?

Europe doesn't just risk sliding back into its own past, it is sliding back there as we speak: sharp divisions along multiple and impossible to predict internal borders, just this time with a big bunch of additional baggage piled on top of what was already there prior to the time the European union was so tremendously botched. Throw in a whole lot more people, a substantial part of whom have non-European origins and skin colors, and boy, are we in for a party. Ripped apart by the logical culmination, bred in the distorted minds of the ultimate power- and money hungry among us, of the same greed that drives us all.

It's really simple, everyone can understand this, provided they're willing to think it over. We either start restructuring the banks, take the pain associated with that as real men, and regain control of our own lives, communities, politics, and ultimately our lives, or we withdraw in fear and prepare for bashing each other's skulls in once again.

Differences between Europe and the US, in case you're wondering, will be in details only. Because it’s the same one-dimensional road we're all on, and it's the same nowhere we’ll all end up in.”