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Ukraine and MH370 - the larger issues

Jim Stone

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March 19, 2014

I have no doubt that America intentionally stole Chinese engineers and technology via the theft of flight 370 as a precursor to World War 3. And I think the U.S. was in Ukraine to secure that territory as a precursor as well, and Russia did not play as nice as the cabal thought they would. But the theft of flight 370 indicates to me that they are going to proceed as planned despite Russia's reaction, with whatever they have.

Events leading up to World War 3 are playing out. Flight MH370 was a major piece of the puzzle in this, but more importantly what is going on in Ukraine may be the trigger.

I see the American invasion of Ukraine as a finishing and very blatant step towards getting a strong pro-western presense there for the purpose of staging a war with Russia. Prior to the CIA running it's psy ops, Ukraine was solidly pro Russian, with over 70 percent of the population of Ukraine supporting re-annexation to Russia and the numbers remain overwhelmingly in favor of Russia. This was strongly reflected in the 95 plus percent vote in Crimea in favor of re-annexing with Russia. These people were around in the Soviet era, which means that Russia could not possibly have been as bad to them in recent times as we have been led to believe (though the now long gone Bolsheviks murdered up to 70 million people there).

It is my belief that this swing of Ukranian opinion back in favor of Russia has been caused by three main factors, which are 911 and the wide spread knowledge among thinking people that the Bush/Israel clan in fact did it, the NSA ripping it's way into everything private everywhere in the world (the people of Ukraine are no doubt upset and concerned about this) and the now well known meme of false flag terror really being done by the CIA and Mossad. America now is obviously to the world the great evil empire that stops at nothing to get it's way, in a way far worse than the world EVER had to deal with from the former Communist bloc. This no doubt turned eyes in a favorable direction towards Russia, and it has reflected strongly in the polls.

American aggression in Ukraine has not done much for American image either. The people of Ukraine are none too happy with the stooge government that was ushered in as a result. Re-joining Russia would go a long way towards fixing that problem.

It is well known now that the CIA and Blackwater had snipers and other "soldiers of fortune" in Russia killing people on both sides of the issue, to make them fight each other and allow an American sponsored government to rise in the wake and take Ukraine over. And neither Russia nor the Ukranian people are happy about that. Russia definitely belongs there, defending it's door step from obvious aggression and only the American sponsored government wants them out. It would bode well for Ukraine to have the Russian military throw the stooges out.