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Karl W. B. Schwarz

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March 15, 2015

The title of this article is not a rhetorical question, but does require a person to really think about how to accurately define the word ‘threat’. I doubt DHS will issue an “orange” or “red” terror alert due to Venezuela.

Some people in America cannot sleep at night due to worrying about all of the constant MSM ‘threats’ and all of the boogeymen hiding under their bed. The MSM and political hacks in America keep blasting out the incessant fear propaganda 24x7 about all of the threats and boogeymen lurking and threatening America.

Simple solution: cut the legs off your bed so no boogeyman can possibly be hiding under your bed!

Another solution is to recognize that the threat is the USA, and most foreigners clearly see that the greatest threat to world peace is these Fascist Neocon warmongers in Washington DC. The MSM and political lies are exactly that; untruths so you do not figure out their agenda.

Is Venezuela a threat to the USA in the literal sense, to the point Washington DC has tried to illegally regime change in violent overthrows both Hugo Chavez and current President Nicholas Maduro?

I wonder at times if any American with at least 3 brain cells functioning can see the similarities in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and now in Venezuela? It is even going on right now in Ecuador, since huge natural resources went to China instead of the favored pet mining companies of US, UK, Canada and Australia.

If you merely check on which nations were excluded from the top secret TPP [Trans Pacific Partnership] as yet another idiotic and lame attempt to reign in China, only that nation and Ecuador were left out all the way around the Pacific, and of course, North Korea, too. Several months back Ecuador kicked out over 50 DoD operatives that were trying to stir up regime change in Ecuador.

Over here in Europe the TTIP and TISA trade agreements attempt to give US and EU firms global advantages and push Russia and China aside, and some others on the Neocon’s Hit List. Those agreements will fail; no one needs to worry about that boogeyman under their bed on that one.

Is Venezuela planning to invade Texas or Louisiana, or even the US Virgin Islands? Maybe Venezuela wants St. Croix, since the sunsets from there are absolutely fantastic? Or maybe Puerto Rico since they speak Spanish, too?

Do we have a real threat to the United States right here and now in the 21st Century, or do we have yet more Neocon lies and ‘threats’ to their delusional Global Empire America?

Here we have a nation that does not have an air force, army or navy big enough to be much of a threat to any nation in the Western Hemisphere, let alone the world or the ‘mightiest military in the world’ United States. From what I can tell Venezuela’s navy would be hard pressed to keep a Bass Master’s Tournament armed with fast Ranger bass boats and fishing tackle from having full run of their coastal and river waters and attacking “Venezuelan bass”.

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The title of this article is not a rhetorical question, but does require a person to really think about how to accurately define the word ‘threat’. I doubt DHS will issue an “orange” or “red” terror alert due to Venezuela.

Some people in America cannot sleep at night due to worrying about all of the constant MSM ‘threats’ and all of the boogeymen hiding under their bed. The MSM and political hacks in America keep blasting out the incessant fear propaganda 24x7 about all of the threats and boogeymen lurking and threatening America.

Simple solution: cut the legs off your bed so no boogeyman can possibly be hiding under your bed!

Another solution is to recognize that the threat is the USA, and most foreigners clearly see that the greatest threat to world peace is these Fascist Neocon warmongers in Washington DC. The MSM and political lies are exactly that; untruths so you do not figure out their agenda.

Is Venezuela a threat to the USA in the literal sense, to the point Washington DC has tried to illegally regime change in violent overthrows both Hugo Chavez and current President Nicholas Maduro?

I wonder at times if any American with at least 3 brain cells functioning can see the similarities in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and now in Venezuela? It is even going on right now in Ecuador, since huge natural resources went to China instead of the favored pet mining companies of US, UK, Canada and Australia.

If you merely check on which nations were excluded from the top secret TPP [Trans Pacific Partnership] as yet another idiotic and lame attempt to reign in China, only that nation and Ecuador were left out all the way around the Pacific, and of course, North Korea, too. Several months back Ecuador kicked out over 50 DoD operatives that were trying to stir up regime change in Ecuador.

Over here in Europe the TTIP and TISA trade agreements attempt to give US and EU firms global advantages and push Russia and China aside, and some others on the Neocon’s Hit List. Those agreements will fail; no one needs to worry about that boogeyman under their bed on that one.

Is Venezuela planning to invade Texas or Louisiana, or even the US Virgin Islands? Maybe Venezuela wants St. Croix, since the sunsets from there are absolutely fantastic? Or maybe Puerto Rico since they speak Spanish, too?

Do we have a real threat to the United States right here and now in the 21st Century, or do we have yet more Neocon lies and ‘threats’ to their delusional Global Empire America?

Here we have a nation that does not have an air force, army or navy big enough to be much of a threat to any nation in the Western Hemisphere, let alone the world or the ‘mightiest military in the world’ United States. From what I can tell Venezuela’s navy would be hard pressed to keep a Bass Master’s Tournament armed with fast Ranger bass boats and fishing tackle from having full run of their coastal and river waters and attacking “Venezuelan bass”.

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