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VIDEO FROM Jason Qanon Davis

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This post explains everything you are seeing today. From the beginning until now. It made sense when it came out a couple years ago and it makes even more sense today...right now in this very second. Only when you think outside of the illusionary Mainstream Media matrix world that we live in and critically think for yourself can you clearly see it.

Only when you remove your emotions and feelings from the situation that we are in can you understand the bigger picture and not get tunnel vision like the fake news wants you to have. The Deep State is real and what you are witnessing in our country and world right now is their last attempt at regaining power.

They are fighting for their life right now. They are fighting their last breath of air before it's death. POTUS, the Patriots, and the military are destabilizing them right now. Mass arrests are happening through Antifa and any other supremacists and the Mainstream Media is not talking about it because they are involved and covering up for these Deep State why would they tell on themselves? Most of them, the [Ds] and the corrupt [R's] won't even acknowledge that Antifa is a terrorist organization.

Expect everything to intensify as we get closer to the elections, but know that the Patriots are in control. God is ultimately in control and Satan is fighting like never before.

But past always proves future and God always wins. We are in a spiritual battle of Good vs Evil and evil is trying one final time for this specific war to regain power. This is no different than a UFC match where someone is hurting an opponent and right before the opponent gets knocked out they go all out one final time before they meet their demise and are ended by the KO punch. #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening #TheStorm #WWG1WGA #DarkToLight #GodWins #EnjoyTheShow #DrainTheSwamp