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X22REPORT: Panic Has Set In, [DS] Exposes Their True Intentions For All To See, Trap Set – Episode 2235

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Panic Has Set In, [DS] Exposes Their True Intentions For All To See, Trap Set – Episode 2235






Panic Has Set In, [DS] Exposes Their True Intentions For All To See, Trap Set
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The economy is rebounding, the powers at be are trying to make sense of what is going on with the gold market. This is panic. The [CB] is ripping itself apart and Trump and his administration are now transitioning everything away from the [CB] economy. The [DS]/MSM narrative for the first event is now falling apart and they are trying to stop the truth from coming out. The trap is now set and all [DS] parties just fell right into it. AG Barr testified in front of congress today and it was a disaster for the Ds. They did not let him answer any questions, but from what they were saying and their actions it shows that they are panicking. BB released nuggets of info today, Boom..