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X22REPORT: All Assets Deployed & Failing, What Happens When Bad News Is About To Break – Episode 2268

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All Assets Deployed & Failing, What Happens When Bad News Is About To Break – Episode 2268





All Assets Deployed & Failing, What Happens When Bad News Is About To Break
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The entire agenda of destroying the economy is now backfiring on those that have tried. The people are now fighting back for keeping their businesses closed for no reason. The MSM/[DS]/[CB] are now panicking. Trump loads up the Fed, when the time is right, boom. The [DS]/MSM are now deploying all assets, but it failing, the stories don’t work anymore, people are awake. Trump makes another peace deal, he is bringing the world together. Big news is about to drop and the [DS]/MSM are trying to get ahead of it with distractions to clog up the MSM. The push is on by the elite to start a civil war, but is failing, stay vigilant.