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X22REPORT: 25th Ready For [JB], How Do You Sneak One In, Scavino Stay Strong – Ep. 2436

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25th Ready For [JB], How Do You Sneak One In, Scavino Stay Strong – Ep. 2436





 25th Ready For [JB], How Do You Sneak One In, Scavino Stay Strong
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The people are seeing the difference. When Trump first introduced the tax cuts it was to give the people a taste of what would be like to have more spending money. Now people will see the difference when [JB] introduces his tax plan. States are opening up and spending and the economy is bouncing back, just like Trump said. People are nervous about inflation, Gold, Bitcoin on deck. [JB] gave his first live press conference. It was scripted and staged, but that didn’t help it was a total disaster. The reporters asked softball questions and [JB] was not truthful about a lot of the issues. 25th is coming to get him, the [DS] is ready to sneak one in. The [DS] is doing everything they can to bring us back to the point right before Trump was elected. Scavino sends a message, stay strong.