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SORCHA FAAL: “Fire Generation” Warriors Infiltrate US Military As “DarkSide” Attack Cripples America And “Day X” Looms

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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An enthralling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today sees this transcript beginning with Security Council Members discussing a dire document just released by the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC)—a Washington D.C.–based think tank whose organization aims to combine ideas from both the Republican and Democratic parties to address challenges including health, energy, national security, the economy, housing, immigration, infrastructure, governance, and education—in whose document sees them warning of a looming “Day X” scenario that could see the United States defaulting on its national debt on 1 October 2021—a significant date as the fiscal year is the accounting period for the US federal government which begins on 1 October and ends on 30 September—sees the BPC exactly stating: “Treasury's updated guidance means that the ‘X Date’ will likely arrive after the start of fiscal year 2022”—and whose underlying facts to support this dire assessment include: “The US national debt subject to the limit currently stands at a record $28.1 trillion, with that amount covering debt the government owes to itself in the form of commitments to Social Security and other government trust funds…The amount of the debt that is held by the public totals $22.1 trillion, which is slightly higher than 100% of the entire economy and stands at a height not seen since the huge borrowing the government did in the 1940’s to fight in World War II”.

Grimly to notice, this report says, the comparison to World War II is supported after Kuwait’s largest oilfield exploded in fire earlier this morning, which is the latest in series of blazes at oil sites across Middle East—an as yet unexplained fiery explosion that was preceded by Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden invoking national emergency powers due to the shutdown of one of America’s most critical energy pipelines—specifically the Colonial Pipeline, which is the biggest refined products pipeline in the United States transporting 2.5-million barrels of fuel a day from refineries on the Gulf Coast to markets such as Atlanta, Washington and New York—sees this catastrophe being called “the worst-ever attack on US infrastructure”—whose blame is being placed on a shadowy ransomeware hacker group calling itself “DarkSide”—and whom the leftist propaganda media says about “is known to avoid targeting organisations in former Soviet bloc nations”.  

As to why the “DarkSide” hacker group won’t target the Russian Federation and/or its allies, this report explains, is because to do so would be an act of war—as the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has designated it as being under the full operational control of the National Security Agency (NSA), which is the national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense (DoD)—a designation process begun on 12 November 2020 when the cybersecurity intelligence firm Kela alerted the SVR to a posting “DarkSide” made on a Russian-speaking hacker forum—and in this posting saw “DarkSide” stating that it “will not allow attacks on Medicine (hospitals, hospices), Education (schools, universities) Non-profit organizations or Government sectors”.

In the months leading up to the 2020 US Presidential Election, this report details, “DarkSide” made its debut by targeting a billion-dollar company in Toronto-Canada in mid-August and announced: “We are a new product on the market, but that does not mean that we have no experience and we came from nowhere…We received millions of dollars in profit by partnering with other well-known cryptolockers…We created DarkSide because we didn’t find the perfect product for us…Now we have it”—sees this “perfect product” being Ransomware-as-a-Service (Raas)—sees “DarkSide” hiring affiliates to encrypt their devices on the target businesses while the developers are in charge of programming the payment site and ransomware software—in their arrangement with the other groups, “DarkSide” ransomware developers' cut is around 10% to 25%, and the affiliates receive 75% to 90% of any ransom payments they generate—for hackers, who are looking to distribute their malicious programs, they must first apply for access since “DarkSide” is a private operation—further saw “DarkSide” stating: “We will specifically use servers in Iran or unrecognized republics so that you cannot block them, and an automatic system will determine the availability and give you a suitable download link”—sees cybersecurity experts noting: “What separates this group from most hacking groups is the so-called professionalism that this group portrays itself as…They have a, phone number and even a help desk to facilitate their negotiations, looking every part a white hat hacker”—and who’ve also gained the name “Robin Hood Hackers” for their donating to worthy causes.

Since the 2020 election that saw Biden and his socialist forces seizing power from President Donald Trump, this report continues, “DarkSide” began ramping up their attacks—attacks that were quickly joined by retired US Army Brigadier General Thomas Kolditz shouting the warming: “One of my bigger concerns is that there has long been a strong Trump following in the military…People in the military have every right to be conservative or extremely conservative…But Trump’s supporters in the military who think that what happened on January 6 was a good thing need to be managed out of the military as soon as possible…That probably won’t happen until the Trump loyalists are out, but that needs to be done…We’re not talking about half a dozen people…We’re probably talking about thousands across the Department of Defense”—and immediately after this warning was sounded, it saw the US military flooding Washington D.C. with thousands of heavily armed troops while starting to find and root out Trump supporters from their ranks.

What isn’t being told to the American people about whom the US military is actually looking for in their ranks, this report notes, is that it has nothing at all to do with President Trump—rather this frantic search being undertaken by the Pentagon involves the thousands of United States Special Operations forces who’ve operated secretly in Africa during the past decade—all of whom have been fighting side-by-side with the elite French military forces engaged in what is being called “France’s Forever War” on the African continent.

Calling themselves “The Fire Generation”, this report concludes, the influence exerted by these elite French troops on America’s most elite fighting forces has sent shockwaves throughout the Pentagon—shockwaves that exploded into outright terror a little more than a fortnight ago when the French military establishment broke with their socialist government in the shocking open letter “For A Return Of The Honor Of Our Rulers: 20 Generals Call On Macron To Defend Patriotism” [English], wherein these French military leaders warned: “It is no longer time to procrastinate, the hour is grave, otherwise tomorrow the civil war will put an end to this growing chaos, and the deaths, for which you will bear the responsibility, will number in the thousands”—and plunging the Pentagon to its knees wondering how soon this will happen in America, yesterday it saw over a thousand unnamed French military officers releasing another letter [English] warning: 

Mr. President of the Republic,

Ladies and Gentlemen, Ministers, Members of Parliament, General Officers, in your ranks and qualities,

We no longer sing the seventh verse of the Marseillaise, known as the “children's verse”.  Yet it is rich in lessons.  Let us leave it to him to lavish them on us:

We will enter the quarry when our elders are no longer there.  We will find their dust there, and the traces of their virtues.  Much less jealous of surviving them than of sharing their coffin, we will have the sublime pride of avenging them or of following them”.

Our seniors are fighters who deserve to be respected.  These are for example the old soldiers whose honor you have trampled on in recent weeks.  It is these thousands of servants of France, signatories of a platform of common sense, soldiers who gave their best years to defend our freedom, obeying your orders, to wage your wars or to implement your budget restrictions, which you soiled while the people of France supported them.

These people who fought against all the enemies of France, you have treated them as factious when their only fault is to love their country and to mourn its visible downfall.

Under these conditions, it is up to us, who have recently entered the career, to enter the arena simply to have the honor of telling the truth.

We are what the newspapers have called “the fire generation”.  Men and women, active soldiers, of all armies and of all ranks, of all sensibilities, we love our country. These are our only claims to fame. 

And if we cannot, by law, express ourselves with our face uncovered, it is just as impossible for us to be silent.

Afghanistan, Mali, the Central African Republic or elsewhere, a number of us have experienced enemy fire.  Some have left comrades there.  They offered their skin to destroy the Islamism to which you are making concessions on our soil.

Almost all of us have known Operation Sentinel.  We saw with our own eyes the abandoned suburbs, the accommodation with delinquency.  We have undergone the attempts to instrumentalize several religious communities, for whom France means nothing - nothing but an object of sarcasm, contempt or even hatred.

We marched on July 14th.  And this benevolent and diverse crowd, which acclaimed us because we are the emanation of it, we were asked to beware of it for months, by forbidding us to circulate in uniform, by making us potential victims, on a soil that we are nevertheless capable of defending.

Yes, our elders are right about the substance of their text, in its entirety. 

We see violence in our towns and villages.  We see communitarianism taking hold in public space, in public debate.  We see hatred for France and its history becoming the norm.

It may not be for the military to say that, you will argue.  Quite the contrary: because we are apolitical in our assessments of the situation, it is a professional observation that we deliver.

Because of this decline, we have seen it in many countries in crisis.  It precedes the collapse. It announces chaos and violence, and contrary to what you are asserting here or there, this chaos and this violence will not come from a "military pronunciamento" but from a civil insurrection.

To quibble about the shape of the forum of our elders instead of recognizing the obviousness of their findings, we have to be quite cowardly. To invoke a duty of reserve badly interpreted in order to silence French citizens, one must be very deceitful.

To encourage the leading army officers to take a stand and expose themselves, before fiercely sanctioning them as soon as they write anything other than battle stories, you have to be very perverse.

Cowardice, deceit, perversion: such is not our vision of the hierarchy.

On the contrary, the army is, par excellence, the place where we speak truthfully to each other because we commit our lives.  It is this confidence in the military institution that we call for.

Yes, if a civil war breaks out, the army will maintain order on its own soil, because it will be asked to.  It is even the definition of civil war.

No one can want such a terrible situation, our elders no more than us, but yes, again, civil war is brewing in France and you know it perfectly well.

The cry of alarm from our Elders finally refers to more distant echoes.

Our elders are the resistance fighters of 1940, whom people like you very often treated as factious, and who continued the fight while the legalists, transfixed with fear, were already betting on concessions with evil to limit the damage. ; these are the hairy 14, who died for a few meters of land, while you abandon, without reacting, entire districts of our country to the law of the strongest; they are all the dead, famous or anonymous, fallen at the front or after a lifetime of service.

All our elders, those who made our country what it is, who designed its territory, defended its culture, gave or received orders in its language, did they fight for you to let France become a failed state?  Who replaces his increasingly obvious sovereign powerlessness with a brutal tyranny against those of his servants who still want to warn him?

Take action, ladies and gentlemen.

This time, it is not about custom emotion, ready-made formulas or media coverage.

It is not a question of extending your mandates or conquering others.

It is about the survival of our country, of your country.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.


May 10, 2021 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]