X22REPORT Stealth Bomber Incoming,Chatter Amongst Those In Control Has Begun,[DS] Panic,Game Over – Ep. 2500:
Stealth Bomber Incoming,Chatter Amongst Those In Control Has Begun,[DS] Panic,Game Over – Ep. 2500
The [CB] plan is failing, soon the people will no longer received UBI and they will need to go back to work, this is something the [DS]/[CB] does not want. Inflation is beginning to pickup. The [CB] has now hit back at El Salvador, they have come out of the shadows are now in the spotlight for all to see. The [DS] is now panicking, they know the storm is coming, the storm is about to hit and they don’t know how to stop it. The people are coming together, they thought they would be able to keep the people divi
https://x22report.com/stealth-bomber-incomingchatter-amongst-those-in-control-has-begunds-panicgame-over-ep-2500/ded they were wrong. China is panicking, big pharma is panicking, there is now chatter amongst those in control, either show the public or their system collapses. Stealth bomber incoming, the people are ready, the audit will begin the movement.
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